On Sunday, August 11, Sencelles will come alive with a new edition of the much-anticipated Embala’t 2024, as part of the Festes de la Mare de Déu d’Agost. This unique celebration, known for its peculiar battle where straw and water become harmless projectiles, will feature a new addition this year: a train that, along with the classic mobylettes, will accompany participants in collecting the two huge straw bales at Pou Major.

La Capta de l’Embala’t 2024

The day before, on Saturday, August 10, the Embala’t 2024 festivities will kick off at 11:30 AM in Plaça de la Vila with the Inici de la Capta de l’Embala’t. This event will feature the plantada and dance of the gegants Tamborino and Mustaca, accompanied by the music of the xeremiers from the group Es Capoll Llarg. Additionally, the appearance of the Dimoni de Sencelles Dembolat, along with the hoisting of Na Fideva and the Embala’t flag, will mark the official start of this famous festivity in the Pla de Mallorca town.

At 5:30 PM, in the same square, children can enjoy the presentation of the local collection Es Patinador, which will include the second volume dedicated to the Festa de l’Embala’t. Half an hour later, the traditional Festa Infantil, animated by the group Cucorba, will fill the afternoon with joy and fun.

The Saturday festivities will conclude at 8:30 PM with the Concert de la Mare de Déu d’Agost, performed by the Coral Sor Francinaina, followed by the presentation of the III Premi Literari “Vila de Sencelles” in the Església Parroquial de Sant Pere.

A celebration with a unique style

Finally, on Sunday at 12 noon, the most awaited moment will arrive: the Embala’t celebration itself. With its characteristic protocol and unique style, this event will include the pregón, music by the xeremies, participation of the garbejadors, games with mobylette, the train, a dinar de fideus de roter, the collection of the straw bales, and of course, the traditional battle of straw and water that will delight all attendees. A celebration to enjoy until you drop!