Public transport in Mallorca will be free throughout 2023. A measure that comes thanks to an agreement with the Government of Spain that reserves 43 million euros for its financing. In this way, the price of transport passes and multi-journey tickets for collective public transport throughout the Balearic Islands will be free of charge.

Free transport in Mallorca 2023

  • The free metro and train service in Mallorca will be extended throughout 2023.
  • As for the bus network, in Mallorca it will go from the current 50% to 72% subsidy to total free travel.
  • In Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera, the current free public transport service will be extended throughout 2023.

“We are facing a major agreement for our community, which comes to add to the social shield that we are promoting from the Government, betting on a right such as public transport,” said the Minister Marí. He also added that “at this time we are assessing that the measure can also be applied to the EMT network of Palma, which will depend on the details of the measure.