A goal by Olga Carmona on a pass from the Majorcan Mariona Caldentey decides the final against England in Sydney and gives the national team its first World Cup with the result of 1-0 in a thrilling match

Under its motto “Play, fight and win”, La Roja has made history and, with a first half goal from Olga Carmona, defeated England in a thrilling final that has consecrated the Spanish women’s national team as world champions. And among the group of epic winners, two Mallorcan players stand out: Mariona Caldentey and Cata Coll, both starters in the match that decided the title.

La Roja’s victory came courtesy of a goal from captain Olga Carmona in the first half, in which Spain delivered an irreproachable performance that combined grit, determination, concentration, confidence and communication.

In front of 76,000 spectators, the Spanish and British played a historic final that catapulted the women’s national team into the annals of soccer and received praise and congratulations from athletes, politicians and representatives from all areas of Spanish society.