Open House Palma 2022 will be held in Palma from 17 to 23 October. The architecture festival is consolidating and is already preparing its second edition after the success of the first edition in 2021. For this year’s event, the Government, through the Department of Mobility and Housing, will provide 40,000 euros to the Open House Association to organise the Open House International Architecture Festival in Palma. This year’s edition is being extended, and although the open days of the buildings will be held on the weekend of 22nd and 23rd October, complementary activities will be organised from Monday to Friday.

If last year the most visited buildings were the Parliament, the Palau del Consell, the Palma Tennis Club building, the Seminari Vell and the institutional headquarters of the Balearic Islands Port Authority, it remains to be seen which ones will generate the most interest in 2022. For the moment, the organisers have revealed some of the buildings that will be opening their doors this year. These are the Conservatori Superior de Música i Dansa, Sant Antoni de Viana and the Col-legi Oficial d’Aparelladors i Arquitectes Tècnics de Mallorca.

Visita patio Can Balaguer Open House

Visiting Can Balaguer during the first edition. Photo: Open House Palma.

Open House opens Palma wide open

Open House Palma is an architectural and cultural festival that opens up the city, architecture and heritage for two days. This festival provides access to spaces that are normally closed or unknown. The aim is to make citizens aware of the environment in which they live. The main focus of the Palma 2022 Open House Festival is to get to know spaces with free guided tours of the buildings, but other types of activities are also organised. From bike routes to conferences or debates to involve all citizens. The themes of the festival are related to sustainability, building renovation, the housing problem and mobility.

This initiative is carried out thanks to volunteers and the involvement of citizens and various local entities. The Asociación Cultural Open House Palma, which is in charge of managing and coordinating this festival, has presented a total budget for this activity of 93,800 euros.

💡 Don’t miss the interview with Mallorcan architect Eduard Yuste.