The Nit de les Ànimes 2022 in Palma will be held in Sa Riera Park on Saturday the 5th of November. This is the sixth edition of the festival that aims to promote and recover the traditions of All Saints’ Day in Mallorca.

At 16:30 the xeremiers will kick off the festivities with a tour around the park. From 18:00, the parade “Brujas, Almas y Alegrías” (Witches, Souls and Joys) will invite the public to join in the celebration, which will continue until 21:30. In total, the Nit de les Ànimes 2022 in Palma will have three stages: the amphitheatre of the park, the esplanade of the Sensorial park and the Palma cemetery.

Nit de les Ànimes 2022 programme

The esplanade of the Sensorial park in Sa Riera park will host several workshops such as lanterns, sugared rosaries, puppets, etc. There will also be face painting and a photocall. There will also be tents set up by Ciudad Amiga de la Infancia, EMAYA and No y Punto with a whole series of awareness-raising activities and a stage where storytelling will take place with three sessions at 17:00, 18:00 and 19:00 under the title “El Panallet Maligne”.

The amphitheatre, meanwhile, will be the central hub where several performances will take place. At 17:00 the Centimets Family Band will perform. At 18:45 it will be the turn of Roada to dance. The climax of the Nit de les Ànimes 2022 will be a big correfoc and batucada at 20:30. A total of more than eighty people will take part, including demons and characters, as well as around thirty musicians in charge of livening up the batucada.

Dramatised visits to Palma cemetery

Meanwhile, in the cemetery there will be dramatised guided tours, which will offer attendees a tour lasting approximately thirty minutes around several points of interest in the cemetery, including singular trees, monumental tombs, catacombs and the Wall of Memory, among others.

The first visit will take place at 16:00 and the last at 19:40. The meeting point will be the main gate of the cemetery, in Calle de Jesús. There will be a total of 12 visits to the Palma cemetery at the following times: 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 16:20, 17:20, 18:20, 18:20, 19:20, 16:50, 17:40, 18:40 and 19:40. This is a free activity, but with a limited capacity of thirty people per group. Therefore, prior registration is required on the website

nit de les animes 2022 mallorca

The Department of Citizen Participation has earmarked a budget of nearly 12,000 euros for this Nit de les Ànimes 2022 in Palma, presented by the councillor for Education, Language Policy and the North District, Llorenç Carrió; the director general of Citizen Participation, Irene Sánchez; the coordinator of the North District, Miquel Àngel Barceló, and representatives of the different entities and associations involved in the organisation.