On the upcoming 21st of September, the streets and galleries of Palma will be filled with contemporary art during the celebration of the Nit de l’Art 2024, one of the most important events on Mallorca’s cultural calendar. Organised by Palma Art Contemporani, the event will bring together local and international artists for a night filled with exhibitions, performances, and activities that will transform the city into an open-air museum.

Programme at Palma City Council’s venues

The Nit de l’Art will include key cultural spaces from the Palma City Council, such as Casal Solleric and Can Balaguer. At Casal Solleric, visitors will enjoy the exhibition Inter-acciones by Concha Jerez, which explores social critique through multimedia art. There will also be Un ligero vuelo by Cecilia Paredes and the exhibition Prender la mirada, inviting reflection on vision and art.

At Can Balaguer, visitors will be able to discover the project Arts & Crafts with works by Mar Guerrero and Cristina Vinyals, blending contemporary art and artisanal design, as well as the exhibition Connexió Vostell. Berlín – Malpartida – Palma, on display until the 29th of September.

Exhibitions at La Misericòrdia and other Consell de Mallorca spaces

The Consell de Mallorca will also be part of the Nit de l’Art with an impressive programme at the La Misericòrdia Cultural Centre. Among the five new exhibitions, highlights include El Bosc Encantat by Lin Utzon and Marta Blasco, Relats de Quotidianitat by Manu García, and Geometrías del alma by José María Yturralde.

In addition, at the Capella de La Misericòrdia, the exhibition Peces del món will showcase selected works from the Marratxí International Ceramic Biennial, while in the Pati d’Homes exhibition rooms, Josep Santamaria presents the exhibition Més enllà del zero, available until December.

Participation of art galleries in Palma

The Nit de l’Art 2024 will feature multiple art galleries that are part of Art Palma Contemporani. Some of the most notable galleries include:

  • ABA Art with the exhibition La llum no esqueixa by Rafel Joan.
  • Galería Fran Reus: Ease away the stones by Sebastian Burger and Brain Section by Stachu Szumski.
  • Galería Pelaires with Especies de espacios and works by artists like Mathilde Rosier and José Dávila.
  • Galería Xavier Fiol with Especies de espacios. Una reflexión colectiva sobre qué pensar de este mundo by Robert Ferrer i Martorell.
  • Pep Llabrés Art Contemporani: Exercicis d’equilibri by Robert Ferrer i Martorell.
  • Baró with the exhibitions Oublier le corps by Lygia Clark and Lucidus Disorder featuring artists like Artur Barrio and Yoan Capote, among others.
  • Galería Fermay with Galaxy Ballroom by Janice McNab.

These and other galleries will remain open late into the night, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the city’s artistic wealth. You can check out the activities at the rest of the galleries in the official programme.

Additional venues and parallel activities at the Nit de l’Art

Other institutions joining the Nit de l’Art include the Museu de Pollença with the exhibition Tercet by Danny Rolph, the Fundación Juan March Palma with the exhibition Zóbel: Memòria d’un instant, and the Es Baluard Museu d’Art Contemporani de Palma with the exhibition Tota utopia passa per la panxa by Carlos Garaicoa.

At the Nivia Born Boutique Hotel, visitors will find Reflejo diáfano by Rebeca Morey and Pliegues y nudos en direcciones fluctuantes by Elena Covas. Additionally, parallel activities such as performances, talks, and workshops will take place throughout the week at various locations across the city.

The Nit de l’Art 2024 offers a unique opportunity to experience contemporary art in Palma. With a diverse programme that includes art exhibitions, interactive installations, and family-friendly activities, this magical night promises to be an unforgettable celebration of creativity and culture.