Around 30 international and local production companies are taking part in the Green Film Lab, a workshop on sustainable filming practices. This initiative aims to focus on good practices in filming for the benefit of the environment. Internationally renowned professionals from the audiovisual sector will support this four-day workshop.

Producers of different nationalities are meeting these days in Mallorca to address these issues that propose a change of direction in the audiovisual industry towards a cleaner, more sustainable and environmentally committed working method.

Five of these producers are bringing their films to obtain the “sustainable filming” certificate. In the Green Film Lab workshop, they explained how to obtain it, answering the questions that arise in this new way of making films.

  • What is an Eco Manager?
  • How is a sustainability plan drawn up?
  • What is the Film Rating System and how should it be applied?

All these questions will be explained in a workshop that aims to raise awareness of the audiovisual industry in the environmental field and the protection of the territory.

Mallorca is a European territory that is adhered to the Green Film Rating System. This tool guides film production companies and television channels to work, within this sector, in a more environmentally friendly way. With this mechanism, a roadmap is being drawn up to standardise this working model in the near future within the European framework. Moreover, it will be one of the essential requirements for receiving public subsidies for audiovisual and film projects in Spain.

Another objective of this initiative of the Consell de Mallorca and the Mallorca Tourism Foundation, together with the Mallorca Film Commission, is to support local producers in the Mallorcan audiovisual sector in their transition to a more sustainable working model. It should be noted that 15 local entities have enrolled in this workshop to receive this type of training.

Green Film Lab

How did the Green Film Lab come about?

The fact that climate change is a reality is well known by most institutions. That is why the European funds for the ecological transition have also made room for the audiovisual industry, a sector that is so important and has a considerable impact on the environment. This workshop was initiated by the Torino Film Lab and Green Film and is organised by the Museo Nazionale del Cinema i Trentino Film Commission in collaboration with EAVE and with funding from MEDIA Creative Europe. These European entities have been the driving force behind the workshop, which is based in Mallorca. The Mallorca Tourism Foundation and the Mallorca Film Commission have welcomed and collaborated with the workshop.