The company Logitravel will be responsible for developing the tourism comarketing aimed at the national market from the 1st of November to the 15th of December. The aim of this action is to improve the dissemination of the brand with the aim of generating sales of packages in Playa de Palma as a priority destination, as well as Palma city.

The councillor for Tourism, Health and Consumer Affairs, Elena Navarro, pointed out that Logitravel’s proposal has stood out for being the “most innovative and diverse” and for offering significant improvements with respect to the needs put forward by the Foundation. The online sales channel will also promote dynamic flight and hotel, ferry and hotel packages, in addition to the hotel-only product, encouraging an increase in the minimum stay.

Navarro indicated that the message the Foundation wants to convey is “to convince that Palma, with Playa de Palma at the forefront, is the perfect city for the perfect getaway this low season”. And he added that “with the campaign we want to highlight the competitive advantages we have as an urban and cosmopolitan destination, and that Palma is the perfect destination, quiet, friendly, safe and committed to sustainability”.

For his part, Joan Balaguer, Logitravel’s general manager, declared that “at Logitravel we are very pleased that Palma has entrusted us once again with the promotion of the destination in the national market”.