The Ministry of Health and Consum, in coordination with that of Education and Professional Training, has agreed that the mask will not be mandatory in the patios and outdoor areas of educational centers, following the criteria that the Ministry of Health will apply from Thursday.

Therefore, the measure will be adopted on Thursday, when the new regulations come into force by the central government. The Ministry of Education, for its part, has sent a letter to all educational centers to inform of this decision.

However, also following the criteria approved today within the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, the use of masks will be recommended when there are crowds, as can happen at the entrance and exit of educational centers.

In the case of interior spaces, the use will continue to be mandatory for all people from 6 years of age, to contain the transmission of the coronavirus. The Government has positively valued the agreement reached today at the CISNS, given that the epidemiological and healthcare situation has improved in the autonomous community in the last 10 days.

However, he wants to send a message of caution since the virus is still present and has encouraged the population to get vaccinated against COVID, including children between the ages of 5 and 11, because scientific evidence has shown that this is a of the most effective and safest ways to combat the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, as well as to avoid serious consequences of the disease.

A group of children listen to the teacher in a school in the Balearic Islands. Photo: GOIB.