In the sixth edition of the Enderrock 2023 Awards ‘Els Valldemossa’ will receive the Honorary Award; Joan Company, the Lifetime Achievement Award and Miquel Jaume the Personality Award. They will be held on October 20th at Palma’s Teatre Principal

The Teatre Principal of Palma will host the gala of the sixth edition of the Enderrock awards of the Balearic music. It will be on Friday, October 20. As every year, the Balearic music festival will recognize the best artists, records and songs, according to the public and critics. In addition it will present live the novelties of the next season. The initiative is a bet promoted by the Grup Enderrock, with the support of the Consell de Mallorca.

This Thursday have been announced the winners with special awards: ‘Els Valldemossa’ will receive the award of Honor; Joan Company, the prize for the Trajectory and Miquel Jaume the distinctive Personality. In addition, Enderrock has chosen the list of the 25 best Balearic albums according to the critics, voted by some thirty Balearic and Catalan music journalists.

enderrock 2023

The special magazine of the Balearic awards also announces the 33 finalists of the popular votes before starting the second phase of voting, which runs from September 21 to October 8.

The 25 best Balearic albums at the Enderrock 2023 awards

The candidates for the VI Enderrock 2023 Awards are all the albums of artists from the Balearic Islands released over the last year in any format. It covers from September 2022 to August 2023 and six categories of pop-rock, urban music, singer-songwriter, folk, jazz and classical.

The musical production of artists from the Balearic Islands in the Catalan language, as well as instrumental projects, has not stopped increasing over the last few years. This has gone from 90 albums per year published in 2015 to 130 in 2022. In just five years there has been a considerable increase of 44%, while the growth over the previous year has meant 9% more productions.