On 1st October, Alcúdia will celebrate its “Los Pueblos más Bonitos de España” Day, with a series of events dedicated to highlighting the beauty and heritage of this historic Mallorcan town. In addition, Alcúdia will participate in the reflection on International Tourism Day and is preparing for the 36th edition of its annual Fira, which will take place from 4th to 6th October. These events emphasise the town’s commitment to culture, tourism, and the preservation of its traditions.

Alcúdia Day: The Most Beautiful Towns in Spain

On 1st October, Alcúdia, recognised as one of the Most Beautiful Towns in Spain, will celebrate with several commemorative events. At 11:30 am, the flag will be raised at key locations such as the Town Hall and the gates of Sant Sebastià and des Moll, followed by the reading of the manifesto at 11:45 am. The celebration will conclude with a reception of local products in the Town Hall’s plenary room at 12:00 pm. Throughout the day, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, there will be open doors at Pollentia and its museum, allowing visitors to explore Alcúdia’s rich history.

Alcúdia Fair 2024: Tradition, Culture, and Gastronomy

In addition to Alcúdia Day, the town will host its 36th annual Fira from 4th to 6th October, one of the most anticipated events on the local calendar. This year’s edition includes a wide range of activities, from the traditional Roman market to exhibitions and the XXVII Mostra de Cuina Casolana, with proceeds going to the Sarau Alcudienc organisation. The Fira poster will also be unveiled, inspired by the Estol del Rei en Jaume, a representation of historical figures and Mallorcan folk culture created in 1990.

Among the emblematic figures are characters like King Jaume I, the Moorish King Abu-I-Uià, and others such as Sa Jaia Tonina and Na Maria Enganxa, providing a unique connection to the island’s rich history and folklore.

This year’s Fira promises to be an unforgettable celebration, blending local gastronomy, folk culture, and activities for the whole family, making Alcúdia a meeting point for residents and visitors alike.

Highlights of Alcúdia Fair 2024

  • Roman Market: Bringing history to life with artisanal stalls.
  • Mostra de Cuina Casolana: Tastings of the best Mallorcan cuisine.
  • Cultural exhibitions: Spread across various public spaces in the town.

These events, alongside Alcúdia Day and the reflection on tourism, reinforce Alcúdia as a destination that honours its past while looking to the future with a focus on sustainability and the promotion of peace.

Alcúdia Joins the Reflection on “Tourism and Peace”

As part of the International Tourism Day, Alcúdia has joined the global reflection on the role of tourism in promoting peace. Under the theme “Tourism and Peace”, the event highlights how sustainable tourism can create jobs, strengthen local economies, and promote peaceful coexistence between cultures. Alcúdia reaffirms its commitment to responsible tourism, which aims not only to attract visitors but also to preserve its cultural and natural heritage.