The number of unemployed people in the Balearic Islands registered at the offices of the Public State Employment Service (SEPE), at the end of the month of July, fell by 5,828. In this way, the islands registered the largest year-on-year drop, with a drop in unemployment of 16.65% compared to July last year. However, in July 2023 there was an increase in unemployed compared to June of this year, with an increase of 3.02% (854 people). This is reflected in the data published this Wednesday by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy.

In total on the islands there are 29,178 unemployed people. Of these, 12,309 are men and 16,869 are women. By age, there are 2,437 unemployed people under 25 years of age, 1,346 men and 1,091 women. In the other ages, the figure reaches 26,741 (10,963 men and 15,778 women).

Unemployment by economic activity

Of the 29,178 currently unemployed in the Balearic Islands, 357 belong to the agricultural sector; 1,382 to industry; 3,820, to the construction sector; 21,202 in the services sector, and the remaining 2,417 did not have a previous job. The data also reflects that 5,098 are foreign unemployed.

In a national key, the total number of unemployed in Spain remains below 2.7 million, specifically it stands at 2,677,874 people. It is the lowest figure for any month since 2008.