This morning the Consell Town Hall officially announced the start of the ‘Festes Patronals de Sant Bartomeu a Consell’ on its social networks. And it is not surprising that they are announced with such joy and euphoria, since for more than two years they have not been able to be celebrated normally due to the restrictions imposed by the covid-19 pandemic. This year, Consell’s festivities will begin with the “posada de banderas”, a children’s workshop and the “Marxa ciclista de les Camades”. The Consell fiestas will be held from the 17th to the 24th of August. Tomeu Penya will be performing on Friday the 19th of August at 22:30 in the main square of Consell. Mallorca Caprice brings you the programme for one of Mallorca’s most traditional festivities.
Programme of the Fiestas de Consell
Wednesday 17th August
10:00 Posada of flags in Cas Txeco
11:00 Children’s workshops in San Bernadet sq.
18:00 XXIX Marxa Ciclista de Les Camades (29th Les Camades Cycling Race)
20:00 VII Memorial Miquel Company Julià
21:00 Dinner with a show by Ben Trempats in Escoles
Thursday 18th August
11:00 Storytelling at Cas Txeco
21:30 33rd edition of the Great Playbacks Gala in Escoles
Friday 19th August
11:00 Children’s workshops in Cas Txeco
12:00 Permís de Capta in Casa de la Vila
15:30 Proclamation of the Madonna at Ca Sa Madona
19:00 Fiesta Holy in Escoles
19:30 Festa Final de Capta in Cas Texo
22:30 Verbena in Pl. Major.
Saturday 20th August
16:00 Xop Parc in Escoles
22:00 Nit de Verbenes with Orquestra Aquaris and Tomey Penya, together with Géminis, After Suns and DJ Biel Castell in Pl. des Pou and Pl. Major.
Sunday 21st August
11:00 Popular games: “Conseguidor de cintes i trencada d’olles”. In Pl. Major
19:00 Festa Pagesa with DJs in Pou sq.
21:00 Reading of the proclamation by Margalida Capó in Pl. Major.
21:30 “Mostra Folkórica i Ballada Popular amb Galivança” by Es Rebot and Escola de Ball Sa Plaça in Pl. Major.
Monday 22nd August
19:30 Family show in Escoles.
21:00 Truc Marathon and Parcheesi Marathon.
Tuesday 23rd August
11:00 Children’s workshops at Cas Txeco by Ulls de la Mar.
19:00 Children’s show at Escoles by Espaguetti Punk.
22:30 Revetlla with O-Err, Xanguito, DJ T-Socias and DJ R. Tabalet in Pl. Major.
Wednesday 24th August
10:30 “Cercavila dels Ceremiers i Fabiolers de Consell”.
11:00 “Es Cos” in Sant Bartomeu Street
18:00 “Pal Ensabonat” (Soapy stick) in Pl. Major.
19:30 Departure of the “GEgants”.
20:00 Service in honour of Sant Bartomeu in the Church of Consell
21:00 Refreshments in the Main Square
21:30 V Premi Literari Joan Guasp, Vila de Consell at the Town Hall of Consell
22:30 Show “Sa Comedi” in Escoles with the Xamo Xamo company.
00:00 Fireworks display in Escoles.
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