The great Mallorcan master of theatre continues to unleash laughter among audiences 25 years after his death

Virginia Servera. Palma

He was born in Vallori Street. From there, he moved to Calle Velázquez and later to Génova. He spent his entire life in Palma, although he travelled non-stop. He always maintained that there was no place like Mallorca, and it was precisely for this reason that he decided to take all his works on tour – and with great success – to the towns on the islands. The Mallorcans knew that every Christmas they had a date with the theatre, and only his company managed to keep the same play on the stage for more than three months.

Xesc Forteza, a prolific actor, author and theatre director, much loved on the island, left us with hilarious moments and knew how to portray Mallorcan customs and idiosyncrasies with great acuity.  How could we not remember Majòrica’81, Jubilat ve de jubileu, Téntol, és una guerra femella!, Catxindena quin estiu or Ca ses Monges. If he were alive today, “he would still be making things funny and trying to make us laugh at ourselves a little and not take life so seriously”, boasts his daughter, Catalina Forteza. His greatest achievement, she continues, was “to make many generations laugh. Even 25 years later, he continues to make people laugh”.

Now, coinciding with the anniversary of his death, Palma City Council has decided to pay tribute to him with numerous activities as part of the Any Xesc Forteza, such as the performance of the emblematic Ca ses Monges, the dramatised reading of the unpublished work Fermat i ben fermat and a commemorative gala (6th July).

One more in the family

Forteza never ceases to refer to him as ‘dad’ when she recalls the legacy of the archipelago’s most celebrated performer. “He was a person who had a very strong impact, not only as an actor, but also as a writer. His works reflected the society of the moment very well and that’s why he was so well received. The fact that he explained all the changes we have experienced through humour meant that people considered him almost as someone from the family rather than a public figure,” she says.

The restlessness of Xesc Forteza, who at the age of ten was introduced to the performing arts and “learned only what it was to write theatre”, explains why he dedicated many hours to his great passion: “Dad was a writer every day. After lunch, he would lock himself in his office until midnight. Things don’t just happen; he worked very hard,” stresses his descendant, who emphasises that he also set aside time for his family. “We used to go fishing in a little boat and we travelled a lot together. I had a great time with him; he is perhaps the person with whom I have laughed the most in my life”, she adds.

Surrounded by talent

Throughout his career, the comedy genius shared the stage with other well-known actors such as Joan Maria Melis, Manel Tubert, Cristina, Juanito and Catalina Valls and the extraordinary Mary Santpere. “He had a lifelong friendship with Andrés Pajares, after meeting in Tagomago, and at the time he was also in contact with Joan Manuel Serrat. He knew almost everyone from his time, but he decided to develop his career here,” says Forteza.