The Balearic Islands 2024-2025 school calendar is now defined and ready for parents, students and teachers to organise their academic year efficiently. This document, approved by the School Calendar Advisory Council and presented by the Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats, establishes the key dates for the next educational year in the Balearic Islands.

When does the course start and finish in the Balearic Islands?

calendario escolar baleares 2024-2025

The 2024-2025 school year will begin on 11 September, covering a period of study that will last until 20 June. This academic year includes students in infant, primary, secondary, baccalaureate and special education. It is important to note that, for students in the second year of Baccalaureate, the course will end on 22 May, allowing them to participate in consolidation activities prior to the university entrance exams (PBAU).

For Vocational Training students, classes are scheduled to start on 20 September. On the other hand, students at the Conservatorio Superior de Música and the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático will begin classes on 23 September. Likewise, students at the Adult Education Centres and the School of Art and Design will begin classes on 27 September. All these programmes will end on 20 June, except for the students of the School of Art and Design, whose course will end on 27 June.

The EEiP-Dance will begin classes on 11 September, while the EEiP-Music will begin on 30 September, both concluding on 13 June. The Official Language Schools will have a school calendar from 30 September to 30 May.

Holidays in the Balearic Islands school calendar 2025

The Balearic Islands 2024-2025 school calendar includes 28 February as a unified school holiday. In addition, the Christmas holidays will run from 21 December to 7 January, while the Easter holidays will be from 17 April to 27 April.

In total, the next school year will have 176 teaching days for basic education, providing a clear and structured framework for learning and academic development.

With this Balearic Islands 2024-2025 school calendar, families and educational staff can plan ahead and make sure they get the most out of the next academic year. Get ready for a year of learning and growth in the Balearic Islands!