Next Saturday, September 14, 2024, Bunyola is gearing up to experience one of the most original and eagerly anticipated celebrations of its patronal festivities: the 20th edition of the Underwear Run 2024. This event, which has become a symbol of the joy and creativity of the people of Bunyola and the whole Mallorca, promises to fill the streets of Sa Plaça with laughter, fun, and an unmatched sense of community spirit.

Bunyola Underwear Run 2024: Tradition and Humor

correguda roba interior 2024 bunyola

Photo: Facebook Correguda en roba interior de Bunyola.

The Bunyola Underwear Run is a race where participants, regardless of age or physical condition, dress only in their underwear. More than just a competition, this event is an opportunity to break away from routine and enjoy a day of festivity and camaraderie.

The event will begin at 5:00 PM with the gathering of runners in Sa Plaça, where a festive and enthusiastic atmosphere will prevail. At 6:00 PM, the pregón (opening speech) will officially mark the start of the day, a moment when participants can showcase their original and often humorous outfits.

The race start is scheduled for 7:00 PM, when the runners will take to the main streets of the town. It’s not about finishing first, but about participating, laughing, and enjoying this unique parade, which attracts more and more spectators each year, both locals and visitors alike.

Prizes and music for everyone

Once the race is over, around 8:00 PM, participants will return to Sa Plaça for the prize ceremony. Here, recognition will be given not only to the fastest runners but also to those who have shown the most originality in their attire. The prize ceremony will be accompanied by live music from the groups Petxandongos and The Hawaiians Band, who will liven up the evening with their varied and festive repertoire.

To close this unforgettable day, the celebration will continue until midnight in Sa Plaça, where music and good company will remain the protagonists.

The Bunyola Underwear Run 2024 is not only one of the most anticipated activities of the Sant Mateu festivities but also a celebration of the cheerful and laid-back spirit of Bunyola. An event where laughter, community, and fun are guaranteed.