The type of bread most popular with the Balearic people is brown bread (pan moreno), followed by llonguet, white bread and loaf bread. This is according to the survey carried out by the Institute for Business Innovation of the Balearic Islands (IDI) to find out about the bread buying and consumption habits of Balearic citizens on the occasion of World Bread Week. Furthermore, 72% of those surveyed buy bread from bakeries compared to 23% who buy it from supermarkets.

In terms of consumption, 64% say that they buy bread daily or between 3 and 4 times a week. It should be noted that, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food’s Report on Food Consumption in Spain 2021, bread consumption in the Balearic Islands was 30.68 kilos per person, slightly above the Spanish average of 30.07 kilos.

Bread route in Palma

llonguets mallorca pan de aquí

After the success of last year’s edition, a guided tour is once again being organised by the philologist and researcher Tomàs Vibot. A route that will reveal some of the bakeries that have marked the personality of Palma, both for the history of the establishment itself and for the quality of the products that, generation after generation, they have been offering. It will be a walk to enjoy the tradition, culture and present of some of the most emblematic bakeries in Ciutat de Palma. This activity will take place on Wednesday 19 October and is open to all citizens, although you must register in advance. From the 17th to the 20th of October there will be several activities to commemorate World Bread Week at the kiosk in the Plaça de l’Olivar to learn about the types of traditional bread, its nutritional qualities, and the bakeries in the Balearic Islands that specialise in this foodstuff.

The event also served to promote the “Pa d’Aquí, forn i Tradició” seal, which distinguishes traditional bread from industrial bread, and with which the aim is for consumers to identify “Pa d’Aquí” with a quality, healthy, local product. A total of 303 establishments have signed up to the brand (234 in Mallorca, 43 in Menorca, 23 in Ibiza and 3 in Formentera). To be part of it, bakeries and patisseries must have a bakery and at least 70% of their products must be home-made. They must also offer the public at least two varieties of bread considered typical of the Balearic Islands: pan payés (white or brown), pan de xeixa, llonguet, panet d’oli, galetes fortes de Ibiza, galeta d’oli, coc, magraneta and Viena.

💡 Do not miss the Llonguet Route Palma 2022.