The Còmic Nostrum 2024, the International Comic Festival of Mallorca, will be held from October 24 to 28 in Palma. This event will bring together prominent figures from the comic world and will feature a diverse program of exhibitions, workshops, talks, and activities for both professionals and the general public.

This year, the festival highlights the exhibition “Quino en la música,” dedicated to the renowned Argentine cartoonist, along with a wide range of activities such as comic initiation workshops, talks with illustrators, and a comic market.

Program Còmic Nostrum 2024

Thursday, October 24

  • 19:00 h: Inauguration of the festival and exhibitions at Casal Solleric. Exhibitions: “Quino en la música” and “Comic Contest. Cultural Program ARTJOVE 2024.”

Friday, October 25

  • 10:15 h: Talk with illustrator Karla Paloma.
  • 11:30 h: Talk with Gemma Cortabitarte (APIC).
  • 17:15 h: Talk with illustrator Sara Soler.
  • 18:30 h: Talk with illustrator César Sebastián.

(Location: Can Balaguer).

Saturday, October 26

  • 10:00 – 20:00 h: POP UP Comic Market at the Pati del Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia.
  • 10:30 h: Comic initiation workshop “From Zero to Hero.”
  • 10:30 h: Children’s workshop “First Comics.”
  • 16:00 h: Guided tour of the exhibition “Novel·les molt Gràfiques.”
  • 17:30 h: Talk “Women in Comics.”
  • 18:30 h: Drawn concert by Nina Pocoví and Marcelo Pinto.

Sunday, October 27

  • 10:00 – 14:00 h: POP UP Comic Market at the Pati del Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia.
  • 10:30 h: Meeting with César Sebastián.
  • 11:15 h: Meeting with Sara Soler.
  • 11:55 h: Round table on Self-Publishing.
  • 14:00 h: Festival closing.

Monday, October 28

  • 10:00 h: Professional day at the Escola d’Art de Mallorca.

In addition to the scheduled activities for Còmic Nostrum 2024, several preliminary inaugurations will enhance the event experience. The exhibition “PERCEPCIÓ” by Marta Masana will be available until October 31 at El Mirador, located at Carrer dels Set Cantons, 6 in Palma. Furthermore, the Palma Public Library “Can Sales” will host “DR. LLIBRE I MR. CÒMIC,” showcasing adaptations of literary works into comics, from October 21 to November 21. The parallel exhibition “Novel·les molt gràfiques” at the Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, in the Multiusos Room on the first floor, will be open until December 30. These exhibitions complement Còmic Nostrum, offering a broader view of the intersection between literature and comics.

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