The most eagerly awaited festival of the year in Palma is here: Canamunt i Canavall 2024. This iconic water gun showdown, which has its roots in a historical conflict between two factions in the city, has become a celebration that unites tradition, fun and community. The neighbourhoods of Canamunt and Canavall have been at odds since the 17th century, when a stream divided the town into two rival territories. Although the riera no longer exists, the rivalry continues, but now in the form of a festive and colourful water showdown.

Traditionally, the members of Canamunt wear red, while those of Canavall choose yellow. Although participants can be guided by their residence, nowadays it is not compulsory for the neighbours of a side to live in their historical territory. Even in the past, there were infiltrators who lived in enemy territory.

Battle of water guns Canamunt i Canavall 2024

On Sunday 1 September, the highlight of the programme organised by Orgull Llonguet comes with the Canamunt i Canavall 2024 water gun battle. The official T-shirts, with which this association self-manages the festival, can be purchased – cash only – on 26, 27 and 28 August in the Plaça Santa Eulalia from 18:00 to 20:30. Also at the Melicotó shop during working hours. As well as helping to finance the water gun battle and the rest of the festive activities, wearers of the official T-shirt will enjoy fast queue and reduced prices at the bar set up in the Parc de la Mar on the day of the event.

camisetas canamunt i canavall 2024

At 16:00, the Canamunt troops assemble in Plaça Sant Jeroni, while the Canavall troops assemble in Plaça Drassanes. From there, both sides march in parades, accompanied by batucadas and brass bands, to the Parc de la Mar, the battlefield.

Judge Berga, faithful to tradition, will try to stop the conflict and send all the bandits home, although so far he has never succeeded. Once the battle begins, anything goes: strategically placed pools allow the participants to recharge their water guns and continue the fight. The battle culminates when Judge Berga is symbolically ‘defeated’, putting an end to the conflict until next year.

Canamunt i Canavall 2024 Program

August 30, 2024

  • 19:30 – Plaza de Cort. Banner Hanging: Joana Daviu (17th century, was hanged for disguising herself as a man, banditry, and murder) will give the opening speech with the unfurling of the banners.
  • 20:30 – Ses Voltes. Group Dinner: Bring your food and share it. This is the space for brotherhood among the flags. It is recommended to dress in yellow or red. There will be a bar service at popular prices, and you can bring your own glasses.

September 1, 2024

  • 16:00 – Gathering of the Flags:
    • Canamunt: Plaza San Jerónimo.
    • Canavall: Plaza Drassanes.
    • Wear a red or yellow shirt. The groups will gather in their respective plazas to begin the march towards the battle. Each group will have a leader, a charanga, and a batucada.
  • 17:00 – Parc de la Mar. Flag Battle: The largest battle in the city between the two flags. There will also be a “Children’s Battle” next to the bars. Respect the Cabos de Guaita and the dry zones. Civility and respect are required.

September 2, 2024

  • 20:00 – Calle de San Pedro Nolasco. Burial: It is recommended to dress in black and bring a candle. The meeting point will be at Calle de Sant Pere Nolasc, 11-13, the original place where Judge Berga was murdered. This event marks the end of the festival, with peace and truce.
estandards fiestas canamunt i canavall

Canamunt banners in a previous edition. Photo: