Until the 27th of September, 45 concerts make up the programme of the 45th Festival Internacional de Música Deià 2023, which will once again turn Mallorca into the epicentre of the best music programme of the summer

A moment of the presentation of the Festival held at Son Marroig. Photo: Facebook Festival.
The current edition of the Deià International Music Festival celebrates its 45th anniversary with a total of 45 concerts on 9 different stages, featuring local and national artists, as well as a large group of international artists.
The Festival continues with incursions into other musical fields such as jazz, tango and ethnic music, an aspect that is considered important in a Festival with the vocation of maintaining a high degree of eclecticism.
As it did in its 2022 edition, the festival will explore the limits and formats of classical music: “The Deià Festival invites all kinds of audiences to enjoy classical music without prejudices or clichés, offering original and novel scenic frameworks that enrich the sound experience. This year we have changed, but there are some things that remain intact. We have demonstrated our power to evolve”, stresses Alfredo Oyagüez, artistic director.
The Festival will feature international artists from Italy, China, South Korea, Bulgaria, Cuba, France and Denmark, as well as national virtuosos residing on the island.
Some of the outstanding concerts are: the presentation of the ¨Suite Picassiana¨, by Chuchito Valdés (Cuba), on 28 June; the concert of traditional Irish music by the violinist Gilles Apap, on 7 July; and the concert by the Italian Massimo Mercelli, on the flute, on 27 September. In addition to the “Ciclo “Euroregio Piano Series 2023” and the “Serie Jóvenes Talentos Baleares”.
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