Teatro de Barra 2022, a classic event on Palma’s stage, kicks off on Thursday 20 October. This theatrical initiative will take place every Thursday from 20th October to 24th November. “A veces veo muertos; una edición paranormal del Teatro de Barra” (Sometimes I see dead people; a paranormal edition of the Teatro de Barra) is the title of this year’s edition, which will take very different small-format plays to different bars in Palma.

The grand finale of Teatro de Barra 2022 will take place in the Mar y Tierra Municipal Theatre on Saturday the 26th of November at 20:00. Advance tickets can already be purchased at the Drac Magic bookshop and at Bar In Café. Tickets can also be purchased at the latter on the day of the performances. The price to attend any of the plays of Teatro de Barra 2022 is 4 euros.

The Teatro de Barra 2022 edition will take place at Ca na Mercy, In Café, Udon and Bar Mavi.

Teatro de Barra 2022: performances

Bar Ca Na Mercy

  • Esperaré.
  • Genre: Melodrama.
  • Written and directed by: Pablo Valera.
  • Starring: Lina Mira y Toni de los Ángeles.
  • Eugenia has hired a ghost as a companion. Beltrán, a man born in 1810, comes to help her fight her loneliness.

Bar In Café

  • No ho veus?
  • Genre: Comedia paranormal y sentimental.
  • Written by Elisenda Ibars.
  • Directed by Joana Castell and Elisenda Ibars.
  • Starring: Toni Pons and Joan Maria Pascual.
  • Palma, Majorca, autumn 2022, a paradise for tourists walking along Blanquerna street, totally oblivious to the numerous accounts of paranormal phenomena recorded at one of its most emblematic bars, permanently closed. There we have sent our best research team with the most advanced technology, for this programme that will undoubtedly be the definitive encounter with the supernatural world.

Bar Mavi

  • Iaia.
  • Genre: Drama.
  • Written: Maria Garalve.
  • Directed: Santi Celaya.
  • Starring: Joan Cassanyes and Maria Garalve.
  • Two characters meet again in a bar, but strangely one does not recognise the other. The world of the living mixes with the world of the spirits to heal open wounds. Love, violence and hope will guide the destiny of these people who share a common trauma.

Restaurante Udon Palma

  • Pòlit.
  • Genre: Comedia.
  • Author and director: Xisco Rosselló.
  • Starring: Aina Jagla and Pere Pau Sancho.
  • Yesterday, a poor poltergeist frightened the mortals dining on the premises. Today, a powerful medium has appeared on a mission to drive him out.