In view of the announcement of the awarding of the works to reform Palma’s Paseo Marítimo and the forthcoming start of the works in the area, Social Club has come out in defence of the leisure premises it currently operates and the bridge that joins it to the Mediterráneo building. Works that will change the physiognomy of this emblematic part of Palma and that contemplate demolishing the two current buildings.

“The site to be demolished has been listed, as part of the Mediterráneo building, in Palma’s General Plan since 1998”, explains the press release sent by Son Amar, which also recalls that it was listed as “important not only as a testimony to the architecture of leisure, but also for its peculiar stepped structure and its historical significance”. In this sense, Social Club recalls that it has an agreement with the Port Authority by virtue of which it can exploit the site until 2027.

For the company, “the logical thing would be to maintain it, as it is perfectly compatible with the works that the Port Authority wishes to carry out and it is necessary that the Paseo Marítimo continues to conserve the traditional leisure offer that it has always had”. In this sense, they add in the note, they fail to understand “what rational use of public resources exists in paying a high price for expropriating their rights and demolishing a building and a cantilever bridge that are protected for their heritage value”.

The organisation trusts that the Autoritat Portuària de Balears will eventually understand its demands and reach a solution to ensure the permanence of the premises and the bridge, in order to maintain jobs and the public’s option to enjoy its leisure offer.

Finally, they argued that “there are no operational, architectural or economic reasons to begin the remodelling work on Palma’s Paseo Marítimo right in the middle, which is where the building and cantilevered bridge to which their rights refer are located”.