The Catalan Book Week 2024 will be held from September 12 to 15 in the gardens of the Centro Cultural La Misericòrdia in Palma. This emblematic literary event, organized by the Consell de Mallorca, celebrates its 35th edition with a notable addition: for the first time, it will feature four Mallorcan publishing houses. Lleonard Muntaner Editor, Nova Editorial Moll, El Gall Editor, and Documenta Balear will join the bookstores Drac Màgic, Quart Creixent, Lila i els Contes, Embat, and Llibreria Pròpia to offer readers the best of Catalan literature.

Catalan Book Week 2024 Program in Palma

Catalan Book Week 2024 in Palma
The event, part of the Diada de Mallorca activities, will feature book presentations, round tables, and family activities. Among the invited authors are notable names such as Ramon Gener, Maria Nicolau, Xavier Salomó, and Montserrat Espallargas, who will share their latest works with the public.

  • Inauguration and concert: Catalan Book Week will kick off on Thursday, September 12, at 6:30 pm, with an opening speech followed by a concert by Nou Romancer.
  • Featured presentations: Literary highlights include the books Matilde E. by Maria Escalas, winner of the Premi Ciutat de Palma, the poetry collection Uralita by Pau Vadell, and Vint-i-cinc dies d’agost i tres dies de setembre by Miquel Àngel Vidal.
  • Roundtable on tourism and literature: A space for debate that will explore the intersection of these two subjects, reflecting their impact on the culture and society of the Balearic Islands.
  • Children’s and family activities: Storytelling, puppet shows, and presentations like Un regal de por by Xavier Salomó will ensure the whole family enjoys the event.
  • Closing with music: On Sunday, September 15, the event will conclude with a concert by the band Tiu at 6:00 pm, bringing a perfect end to a week dedicated to promoting reading in Catalan.

Catalan Book Week 2024 presents a great opportunity to enjoy the best of Catalan-language literature, highlighting the Consell’s commitment to supporting booksellers and fostering a love of reading on the island.