Readers, writers and lovers of literature can gather in the courtyard of the Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia from September 20 to 24 to celebrate the Setmana del llibre en català 2023. This 34th edition will have the participation of 10 bookstores in Palma

A total of 10 bookstores of Palma participate this year in the Setmana del llibre en català, which is held in the courtyard of the Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia from 20 to 24 September. This great meeting of readers, writers and lovers of literature is organized by the Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca, with the support of the Consell de Mallorca, under the slogan “Veu viva del pensament”.

The bookshops participating in this edition are, specifically, Abacus, Drac màgic, Embat llibres, Espai caramulls, Insula literària, La salina, Lila i els contes, Llibreria pròpia, Llibres Ramon Llull and Quart creixent.

The aim of this edition is to vindicate and celebrate the freedom that books provide to give voice to individuals and groups on the road to gender equality and the fight against discrimination based on race and sexual orientation.

Program of the Setmana del llibre en català 2023

The intercultural mediator, dynamizer and playwright Víctor Uwagba will give the opening speech that will kick off the annual event of Catalan literature. In addition, the program is full of activities ranging from storytelling for children to book presentations with the participation of authors such as Imma Monsó, Síliva Soler, Carlota Gurt, Junio Siva and Xavier Grasset, among others.

There will also be recitals such as the poetry book by Joan Tomàs, winner of the Jocs Florals 2023, workshops for children and musical performances such as that of the Mallorcan singer Joan Xanguito solo. In parallel, books will be released in the streets of Palma. With this proposal, the Setmana del llibre en català 2023 hopes to bring together all lovers of reading in the Misericòrdia, where they will also have at their disposal a wide gastronomic offer from the hand of a ‘food truck’.


setmana del llibre en català 2023