From the arrival of King Jaume to the islet of Pantaleu in 1229, in San Telmo, to the legends and mysteries of the Lluc forests. There are many lines written about Mallorca throughout history that are now made known through a program of ten literary routes through the Serra de Tramuntana. The Mallorca Literary Foundation, on the 10th anniversary of the Declaration of the Serra de Tramuntana World Heritage Site by Unesco, has designed a full literary journey to bring citizens closer to this territory from a different perspective.
It is a program of 10 cultural tours guided by the experts Joan Carles Palos and Tomás Vibot. These itineraries allow to trace from Andratx to Pollença a kind of literary journey through the mountains, which connects its heritage and landscape spaces with the words of writers of all times and origins who have written about it.
The routes are offered in groups and are suitable for adults and families with children from 6 years old. Places are limited, always adequate to the provisions of current regulations and closely related to the restrictions derived from Covid-19 that are being adopted. In the same way, the FML reserves the possibility of repeating those routes for which there is more demand, as is usual in this proposal format.
In addition to the guide to these routes, the contents of these proposed walks will be disseminated through the specialized platform WoW Mallorca, as well as the specific website for the 10th anniversary of the Serra de Tramuntana.
Calendar of the Serra de Tramuntana literary routes
- 11th April, Andratx: En Basset, els pirates i la Costa dels Grecs. Guide: Joan Carles Palos.
- 25th April, Banyalbufar: La Por del Rafal. Guide: Tomàs Vibot.
- 09th May, Esporles: La talaia d’en Claret. Guide: Joan Carles Palos.
- 16th May, Deià: Pels camins de mar. Guide: Tomàs Vibot.
- 6th June, Alaró: Damunt los Damunt: la fortalesa petita. Guide: Joan Carles Palos.
- 12th June, Caimari: Els secrets del Comellar de s’Homo. Guide: Tomàs Vibot.
- 17th October, Sóller: Els misteris de la Mola. Guide: Joan Carles Palos.
- 24th October, Escorca: El bosc sagrat: volta a la moleta de Binifaldó. Guide: Tomàs Vibot.
- 14th November, Selva: Les Males Penyes de Ses Figueroles. Guide: Joan Carles Palos.
- 21st November, Pollença: El cau de l’Àguila. Guide: Tomàs Vibot.
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