The Palma City Council and the Government launched the tariff integration between the two transport networks. This means that users of interurban public transport who have an Intermodal Card can use the same card to travel on the Palma EMT.
Since July and until now it could only be done on the lines that go to hospitals, but from now on it can be used on all lines of the urban bus network.
The Intermodal Card must be validated both at the entrance and at the exit of the TIB bus and from now on it will also have to be validated, only when boarding, on the EMT bus.
The user no longer needs to have two different transport cards. In this way the trip is more comfortable and also more economical. Because if you transfer between the TIB lines and the EMT lines, except those at the airport, the journey with the EMT is free.
In a statement, the Palma City Council details that the trip with the EMT is free as long as the two networks are combined. To carry out the transfer between the TIB and the EMT, you have 60 minutes from the exit validation, and in the case of the reverse route, EMT and TIB, you have 90 minutes from the entry validation.
With the entry into force of this new measure, the second phase of fare integration is consolidated, which aims to facilitate transfers between urban and interurban bus networks and thus promote the use of public transport.
The first step of integration was the incorporation of the Citizen Card to the M1 metro line. Thus, since September 2018 you can travel to the UIB line, with an itinerary between Plaza de España and the University of the Balearic Islands, with the urban network card. The transfer is free between EMT and metro, as long as it is done within 90 minutes of the first validation of the card. The measure has been well received and only this year until the end of October there are already 12,718 people who have traveled with the citizen card, making 247,253 trips.

Users wait for the TIB bus at the Palma Intermodal Station. Photo: Palma City Council.
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