Mallorca’s hoteliers have been exultant with the new government and say that “citizens have gone to the polls and a resounding majority has called for change. This puts an end to interventionism”
The Hotel Federation of Mallorca stresses that “a more than necessary change” has come to “work” after having it “difficult”, with “many demands” and “little management”. These have been their assessments after the 28M elections.
The hoteliers say that “citizens have gone to the polls and a resounding majority has called for change. The FEHM congratulates the winners of the municipal, insular and regional elections. We will continue to work in favour of active and effective listening between companies and administrations at all levels”.
Regarding the announcement by the President of the Government to bring forward the elections, they consider it to be “a reaction to the enormous significance of the results obtained on Sunday”.
Reactions from trade unions and employers

María Frontera es la presidenta de la FEHM.
For their part, trade unions and employers ask the PP not to go back on its policies and not to return to tension. In addition, they want the left-wing parties to participate in the most important agreements that affect companies on the Islands.
Comisiones Obreras, UGT and PIMEM have congratulated the Partido Popular after winning the regional and municipal elections, and have thanked the outgoing government team for the work they have done.
José Luis García, from Comisiones Obreras, believes that the policies of the right should be continuist and that the tension should not return. In the UGT, Lorenzo Navarro agrees with these words but does not hide his concern about a possible pact with the far right.
And Jordi Mora, from the employers’ association of small and medium-sized enterprises on the islands (PIMEM), highlights the social dialogue of recent years and hopes that it will continue along the same lines. Among the measures on which they consider that further progress should be made, they highlight administrative simplification and the Special Regime for the Balearic Islands.
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