The Diada de Mallorca 2024, one of the island’s most important celebrations, this year coincides with the 40th anniversary of the island’s flag. This year’s edition features an extensive programme running from Saturday 7th September to Thursday 26th September. Although the central day is 12th September—in contrast to previous years when it was on 31st December (more information about the date change can be found at this link)—the Consell de Mallorca has prepared nearly three weeks of activities to commemorate Mallorca’s history, culture, and traditions, spread across the municipalities of Palma, Sóller, Llucmajor, Binissalem, Inca, Santanyí, Sineu, and Marratxí.

Diada de Mallorca 2024 will feature a varied range of events designed for all ages and interests. From official and solemn acts to concerts, exhibitions, craft fairs, gastronomy, literature, and sports activities, among others, the programme reflects the island’s rich cultural diversity. Each activity is an invitation to explore and appreciate Mallorca’s multiple facets, from its deeply-rooted traditions to its vibrant contemporary culture. Below are some highlights:


Music is one of the major highlights of Diada de Mallorca 2024. Throughout the celebrations, various concerts featuring different styles and genres will be held for both residents and visitors. For instance, on 8th September, the Convent de Santa Magdalena in Palma will host a concert by Qvinta Essençia at 8:00 PM. On the central day, 12th September, there will be a series of musical performances. At 6:00 PM, the Banda Municipal de Palma will perform at the Pati del Homes of the Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, followed at 7:00 PM by a concert by Nou Romancer at the same venue. The day will culminate with a grand concert by the Banda Simfònica de les Illes Balears at 8:00 PM.

La Diada de Mallorca se traslada al 12 de septiembre

On 13th September, the Teatre Principal d’Inca will host an opera and zarzuela concert featuring tenor Eduardo Sandoval and pianist Miquel Estelrich at 7:00 PM. Finally, on 26th September, renowned pianist Marco Mezquida and the Orquestra Simfònica de les Illes Balears will close this edition of Diada with a concert at the Teatre Principal de Palma at 8:00 PM.

Craft fairs

Fairs are an essential component of Diada de Mallorca 2024, offering a platform to showcase and celebrate the island’s traditional and rural crafts. On 7th and 8th September, the Hipòdrom de Son Pardo will host the Fira de caça i del món rural, an event gathering enthusiasts and professionals from the hunting and rural world to share experiences and knowledge.

Additionally, from 13th to 15th September, the Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia in Palma will host the Fira d’Artesania and the Setmana del Llibre en Català (also on 12th September), featuring artisan products, interactive workshops, book presentations, and music and dance performances. This fair, blending tradition and creativity, is ideal for exploring the richness of Mallorcan crafts and enjoying family-friendly activities.

Official acts

Diada de Mallorca 2024 also includes official acts highlighting the historical and cultural significance of the celebration. On 12th September, a floral tribute to King Jaume II will take place at the Cathedral of Mallorca at 11:00 AM. This solemn event, which requires prior registration, honours the memory of the king and celebrates Mallorca’s historical heritage.

On the same day, at 7:00 PM, the Teatre Principal de Palma will host the presentation of the Premis Honors i Distincions del Consell de Mallorca, recognising individuals and institutions that have contributed to the island’s social, cultural, and economic development.

diada de mallorca pergamino

Furthermore, the Exhibition of the Book of Freedoms and Privileges of the Kingdom of Mallorca, held at the Palau del Consell de Mallorca in Palma, will offer a unique view of historical documents detailing the privileges and concessions granted during the Kingdom of Mallorca.

Children’s entertainment

Children will also have their own space in Diada de Mallorca 2024 with a variety of activities designed for them. Among other events, the children’s show “Tenc ganes de jugar” by Mel i Sucre will take place at the Fira d’Artesania in the Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia at 6:00 PM on 13th September, providing a fun and educational experience for kids and their families.

On 15th September, the programme includes the puppet show “Bruixeries” by Toni Masegosa, as well as the children’s show “Spaguetti Yeyé” at the Fira d’Artesania. Additionally, a traditional instruments workshop with Càndid Trujillo will be offered to spark children’s interest in Mallorcan music and culture.

Programme of Diada de Mallorca 2024

Saturday, September 7

  • Fira de caça i del món rural. Hipòdrom de Son Pardo.
  • 11:00 AM: Exhibition by the Bombers de Mallorca: Mountain rescue simulation. Plaça d’Antoni Maura, Sóller.
  • 11:00 AM: Exhibition by the Bombers de Mallorca: Traffic accident simulation. Passeig de Jaume III, Llucmajor. Passeis de Pere Ventayol, Alcúdia.

Sunday, September 8

  • Fira de caça i del món rural. Hipòdrom de Son Pardo.
  • 8:00 PM: Concert by Qvinta Essençia. Convent de Santa Magdalena, Palma. Free entry until full capacity.

Tuesday, September 10

  • 11:00 AM/1:00 PM/6:00 PM: Guided tours of the Teatre Principal de Palma. Free registration at

Wednesday, September 11

  • 11:00 AM/1:00 PM/6:00 PM: Guided tours of the Teatre Principal de Palma. Free registration at
  • 7:00 PM: Concert: Allegories of Jan Brueghel. Divertimentos and sonatas by François Devienne, Franz Tausch, Ignaz Pleyel, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. By the Gruo Boix & Auró; Miriam Merino, natural horn, and Sílvia Insa, classical clarinet. Museu de Mallorca, Palma. Registration at or 971 59 79 95.
  • 7:30 PM: Performance: Amb veu de dona, by the Pagesa Pepa. Recital by Binidones and wine tasting from DO Binissalem. Casa Llorença Villalonga, Binissalem.

Thursday, September 12

  • 9 to 13 h Exhibition of boat models, by the Taller de mestres d’aixa del Consell. Club Nàutic de Cala Gamba, Palma.
  • 10 to 20 h Exhibition of the gegants of Consell de Mallorca. Palau del Consell de Mallorca, Palma.
  • 10:30 h Concert of xeremiers and ballada de gegants. Palau del Consell de Mallorca, Palma.
  • 10:30 to 14 and 16:30 to 20:30 h Setmana del Llibre en Català. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 11 h Floral offering to King Jaume II. Cathedral of Mallorca. Free registration at
  • 11 to 20 h Exhibition of the Llibre de franqueses i privilegis del regne de Mallorca. Palau del Consell de Mallorca, Palma.
  • 18 h Concert by the Banda Municipal de Palma. Pati del Homes of Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 19 h Concert by Nou Romancer. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 19 h Conference L’evolució de les barques de bou mallorquines, by Pere Oliver. Club Nàutic de Cala Gamba, Palma.
  • 19 h Honors i Distincions del Consell de Mallorca awards. Teatre Principal de Palma. Tickets at
  • 20 h Concert by the Banda Simfònica de les Illes Balears. Federació Balear de Bandes de Música i Assciacions Musicals. Pati del Homes of Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.

Friday, September 13

  • 9 to 20 h Exhibition of the Llibre de franqueses i privilegis del regne de Mallorca. Palau del Consell de Mallorca, Palma.
  • 9 to 20 h Exhibition of the gegants of Consell de Mallorca. Palau del Consell de Mallorca, Palma.
  • 9 to 13 h Exhibition of boat models, by the Taller de mestres d’aixa del Consell. Club Nàutic de Cala Gamba, Palma.
  • 10:30 to 14 and 16:30 to 20:30 h Setmana del Llibre en Català. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 17 to 22 h Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 17/18/19 h Theatrical tours at Palau del Consell de Mallorca. Free registration at
  • 17 h Visual theater creation. By Júlia Febrer and Tomeu Quetglas. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 17:30 h Presentation: Illes de Paraules, un projecte de l’EIB. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 17:30 h Procession: Myotragus. Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 18 h Round table: Lectures d’una ciutat massificada, with Biel Mesquida and Rosa Planas. Organized by: AELC and Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 18 h Children’s show: Tenc ganes de jugar, by Mel i Sucre. Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 19 h Opera and zarzuela concert. By tenor Eduardo Sandoval and pianist Miquel Estelrich. Teatre Principal d’Inca. Free registration at
  • 19 h Presentation: La genètica de les passions by Montserrat Espallargas. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 19 h Presentation: Quatre poetes mallorquins by Joan Miralles. Casa Blai Bonet, Santanyí.
  • 19 h Mallorcan dance meeting. Plaça Major, Palma.
  • 20 h Concert by Tomeu Quetglas. Museu de la Mar, Sóller. Registration at or at 971 63 22 04.
  • 20 h Concert by Trío Cacao. Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.

Saturday, September 14

  • 9 to 20 h Exhibition of the Llibre de franqueses i privilegis del regne de Mallorca. Palau del Consell de Mallorca, Palma.
  • 9 to 20 h Exhibition of the gegants of Consell de Mallorca. Palau del Consell de Mallorca, Palma.
  • 9 to 13 h Exhibition of boat models, by the Taller de mestres d’aixa del Consell. Club Nàutic de Cala Gamba, Palma.
  • 10 to 22 h Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 10:30 to 14 and 16:30 to 20:30 h Setmana del Llibre en Català. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 10:30 h Serra de Tramuntana Race in Esporles. Free registration at
  • 10:30 h Visit to the Far de sa Creu. Departure from Museu de la Mar, Sóller. Registration at or at 971 63 22 04.
  • 10:30 h Storytelling: Contes per la igualtat, with Tomeu Granera. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 11 h Screen printing workshop. Music Lover. Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 11 h Conference: “40 years of the Mallorcan flag”. By historian Antoni Ortega. Claustre de Sant Francesc, Sineu.
  • 11/12/13 h Theatrical tours at Palau del Consell de Mallorca. Free registration at
  • 11:15 h Presentation: Vint-i-cinc dies d’agost i tres dies de setembre, by Miquel Àngel Vidal. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 12 h Storytelling: Històriques de Mallorca, by Verònica Fiol. Casa Llorenç Villalonga, Binissalem.
  • 12 h Children’s show: Artefactes musicals per a nins. Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 12 h Presentation: Uralita, by Pau Vadell. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 12:30 h Guided tour of the permanent exhibition. Museu de la Mar, Sóller. Registration at or at 971 63 22 04.
  • 13 h Live cooking. By Cuinant Restaurant. Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 13 h Presentation: Cremo!, by Maria Nicolau. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 16/18 h Guided tours of Raixa. Registration at
  • 17 h Guided tour of Museu Amagat. Museu de Mallorca, Palma. Registration at or at 971 59 79 95.
  • 17 h Presentation: Un regal monstruós by Xavier Salomó. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 17/18/19 h Guided tours of Palau del Consell de Mallorca. Free registration at
  • 17 to 20 h Exhibition of traditional Mallorcan pastry. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 18 h Vinyl painting workshop. Peti Collage. Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 18:30 h Tribute to forners tradicionals: mostra de pastisseria tradicional. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 19 h Presentation: Història d’un piano, by Ramon Gener. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 19 h Grand meeting of xeremiers. Sa Refinadora, Marratxí.
  • 20 h Concert by duo Desirée & Unai with rhythm box. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.

Sunday, September 15

  • 9 to 20 h Exhibition of the Llibre de franqueses i privilegis del regne de Mallorca. Palau del Consell de Mallorca, Palma.
  • 9 to 20 h Exhibition of the gegants of Consell de Mallorca. Palau del Consell de Mallorca, Palma.
  • 9 to 13 h Exhibition of boat models, by the Taller de mestres d’aixa del Consell. Club Nàutic de Cala Gamba, Palma.
  • 10 to 14 h Diada Esportiva del Consell de Mallorca. Inflatable castles, sling shooting, paddle, rugby, hockey, water games, and other sports. Poliesportiu Sant Ferran.
  • 10 to 15 h Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 10 h Guided tour of Palau del Consell de Mallorca. Free registration at
  • 10 to 14 h Showcase of products with the Distintiu Serra de Tramuntana. Poliesportiu Sant Ferran, Palma.
  • 10:30 h Cultural walk through Son n’Amer, Escorca. Meeting point: refuge parking lot. Registration at
  • 10:30 to 14 and 16:30 to 19:30 h Setmana del Llibre en Català. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 11 h Guided tour of the marine reserve of Illetes. Museu de la Mar, Sóller. Registration at or at 971 63 22 04.
  • 11 h Mostra de ball mallorquí. Departure from Palau del Consell de Mallorca to the residence of Sant Miquel de Palma.
  • 11 h Puppet show: Bruixeries, with Toni Masegosa. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 11:30 h Rendicions d’honors a la flota de la Balear. Diada de Vela Llatina of Club Nàutic de Cala Gamba. In front of the Cathedral of Mallorca.
  • 11:30/12:30/17:30 and 18:30 h Theatrical tours at Palau del Consell de Mallorca. Free registration at
  • 12 h Children’s show: Spaguetti Yeyé. Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 12 h Cyanotype workshop. Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 12 h Presentation: Memorial de violetes, by Nel Martí. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 13 h Presentation: Matilde E., by Maria Escalas. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 13 h Show of xeremiers. Fira d’Artesania. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 17 h Workshop on traditional instruments, with Càndid Trujillo. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 18 h Concert by Tiu. Organized by: Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca. Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma.
  • 19 h Grand Prix of trot “Diada de Mallorca”. Hipòdrom Son Pardo, Palma.
  • 20:30/21:30 h Videomapping show of the history of Mallorca. Pati del Homes of Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia, Palma. Registration at

Thursday, September 19

  • 20 h Conference cycle: “Sanç I de Mallorca. El regne de Mallorca i la Mediterrànea a l’inici del segle XIV”. Arxiu del Regne de Mallorca. Registration at

Friday, September 20

  • 20 h Conference cycle: “Sanç I de Mallorca. El regne de Mallorca i la Mediterrànea a l’inici del segle XIV”. Arxiu del Regne de Mallorca. Registration at

Saturday, September 21

  • 20 h Conference cycle: “Sanç I de Mallorca. El regne de Mallorca i la Mediterrànea a l’inici del segle XIV”. Arxiu del Regne de Mallorca. Registration at

Thursday, September 26

  • 20 h Concert by Marco Mezquida and the Orquestra Simfònica de les Illes Balears. Teatre Principal de Palma. Tickets on sale.