This Monday the remodeling works of the Parc de la Mar have started, carried out by the company Melchor Mascaró for an amount of 844,403 euros. To facilitate the entry of construction material, during the morning the right lane of Gabriel Roca Avenue was cut off at the height of the descent ramp in Parc de la Mar.

These first days of work force to close the perimeter of the work with fences. In addition, a dozen trees located in this area will be removed, when it is detected that they are in poor condition. These copies will be replaced by new ones once the intervention has been completed.

The work will be carried out by sectors and the forecast is to start the part located next to the ramp during these months. In total, they will last five months and will make it possible to renovate 3,900 square meters of pavement in the park with a prefabricated tile that harmonizes with the colors of this space. Likewise, 240 linear meters of ramp, bridge and stair railings are renewed, 280 linear meters of cliff and 73 linear meters of the shoulder that delimits the lake are repaired.

In the final phase, the trees will be planted, protecting them from salinity by means of buried fiber deposits. It is also planned to renew the fountains, litter bins and benches and improvements will be made for accessibility. Finally, the general lighting will be renewed with new linear photovoltaic LED luminaires on the ground to illuminate the Miró mural.

The Parc de la Mar has an area of ​​91,356 square meters that includes a total of 25,320 square meters of lake.

Parc de la Mar