With more than 80% of the population vaccinated with the complete schedule, the Balearic Government announced that the regional restrictions due to Covid-19 are reduced to a minimum and therefore allows 100% capacity in establishments, premises and services open to the public.
The Government Council has approved the Plan of Measures to manage the health crisis, which establishes a return to normality to all economic and social activities, always taking into account the general precautionary and protection measures and the use of a mask. The level in which each island is located will be reviewed every 15 days.
The new agreement establishes differentiated measures based on the level of epidemiological alert. Thus, some of the limitations in force up to now are maintained at level 1 (a situation in which Mallorca, Eivissa and Formentera are now found) and practically all of them are lifted in the case of zero level, controlled risk, which is the case of Minorca.
On the other hand, the Ministry of Health has notified 32 new positive cases on Monday, October 25 in the Balearic Islands. With these figures, the accumulated increase to 100,464 since the beginning of the pandemic and no more deaths have been reported, whose total counts 994 people.
With regard to vaccination, 1,612,082 people have been inoculated in the Balearic Islands. 81.65% of the target population have the complete regimen and 83.48 have at least one dose.
Check the restrictions in force in Mallorca due to the coronavirus.

The Balearic Government eliminates restrictions on restoration. Photo: Raúl Beltrán
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