The dean of the Official College of Architects of the Balearic Islands, Marta Vall-llossera and the president of the Demarcation of Mallorca of the COAIB, Joan Cerdà, have analyzed this Thursday the construction and rehabilitation activity in the Balearic Islands regarding 2020. The study has been carried out from the approval of the work execution projects, which are mandatory to start new plant and major rehabilitation works.
According to the representatives of the College, and as the report anticipated the first semester, we are experiencing the period with the least creation of new housing in our recent history. Although it is true that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a general decline in activity in this past 2020, this has only accentuated the negative trend that already existed in 2019. In the past year, 5,224 works have been approved. which is 6% less than in 2019.
“In 2021 we have to plan and take advantage of European funds to reactivate the economy” (Vall-llossera)

Marta Vall-llossera and Joan Cerdà. Photo: COAIB
In multi-family housing the drop was 8%, a setback that worries us given the housing problem in the Balearic Islands, which already existed and has not disappeared. For its part, single-family housing fell 3%, despite changes in the regulatory environment and the effects of the pandemic.
Although the last quarter of the year has ended with an increase in works in all the demarcations, in Eivissa and Formentera, the data for the third and fourth quarters compensates for the first semester and ties the figure for the year 2019. Looking at 2021, the COAIB considers that it is an opportunity to benefit from European aid that will be linked to green and digital investment, since this injection of capital will allow investment in the rehabilitation of homes and it will generate jobs.
Tourist building accentuates its decline
As already advanced in previous reports, the end of the renovation process of the tourist plant and the investment drive in new urban hotels on the islands are being sponsored. The pandemic has affected the tourism sector with special virulence, causing a more severe drop in the number of projects and, especially, in their importance, both in terms of area and budget.
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