The merger of the Department of Mobility with the Department of Territory of the new government of the Consell de Mallorca means a saving of half a million euros throughout the legislature. This morning the new executive councillors of the Consell de Mallorca took office

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, has presided this morning the act of taking possession of the executive councillors of the institution. The new island government is made up of eight departments, two of which will be led by Vox. According to the agreement reached by the PP and Vox in the island institution, the PP, in addition to holding the presidency of the institution, will head the first vice-presidency of Culture and Heritage and five councillorships. Vox holds the second vice-presidency and the regional ministry of the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, as well as the regional ministry of Economic Promotion and Local Development.

consell de mallorca presidente Galmés

Llorenç Galmés, president of the Consell, during the inauguration of the new councillors. Photos: Consell de Mallorca.

The structure of the Consell de Mallorca is reduced to eight councillors’ offices

The organisational chart is made up of eight departments, one less than the previous government team. The president of the island institution has unified the Department of Mobility and Infrastructures with the Department of Territory. This means a saving of half a million euros over the term of office.

The members of the new Consell Executiu of the Consell de Mallorca are:

  • Antònia Roca Bellinfante (PP), first vice-president and executive councillor of Culture and Heritage.
  • Pedro Bestard Martínez (Vox), second vice-president and executive councillor of Environment, Rural Environment and Sports.
  • Antonio Francisco Fuster Zanoguera (PP), executive councillor of Presidency.
  • Maria Pilar Bonet Escalera (PP), executive Councillor of Public Finance and Public Function.
  • Guillermo Sánchez Cifre (PP), executive Councillor of Social Welfare.
  • Fernando Rubio Aguiló (PP), executive Councillor for Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures.
  • José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz (PP), executive Councillor for Tourism.
  • Maria Pilar Amate Rotger (Vox), executive Councillor of Economic Promotion and Local Development.


consell de mallorca

José Marcial Rodríguez, Guillermo Sánchez, Toni Fuster, Maria del Pilar Bonet, Fernando Rubio, Pilar Amate, Antònia Roca, Llorenç Galmés and Pedro Bestard.