The 11th legislature in the Balearic Islands starts on Tuesday 20th June with the PP determined to govern without Vox, as has happened in Palma City Council. The Popular Party faces the constitution of the Parliament without knowing the names of the presidency or the rest of the members of the Bureau.
Parliament that will emerge from the elections of 28 May will be constituted tomorrow, Tuesday, and from that point onwards, the path to the investiture debate and the formation of a new Government will begin. The date and time of the constitution of the Parliament will be tomorrow, Tuesday 20 June, at 11am. This date was agreed by the hitherto president of the Parliament, Vicenç Thomás, and published in the BOIB last Friday. He did so after making sure that the PP was in agreement. The Statute of Autonomy sets a deadline of 30 days after the elections, which were held on 28 May.
Election procedure for the Balearic Parliament

An image of the Sala de las Cariátides of the Balearic Parliament. Photo: Twitter Parlament IB.
If the candidate of the party with the most votes in the regional elections, Margalida Prohens of the PP, is not elected with an absolute majority in the first ballot – with the 25 votes of her party, the only deputy for Formentera and the 8 deputies of Vox – a second ballot will be held in 48 hours in which a simple majority will suffice, as established by the Statute of Autonomy. The absolute majority is 30 seats. If the simple majority is not achieved either – which would require Vox’s abstention – the way would be open for new votes. If everything remains the same, after 60 days, new elections would be called, something unprecedented in the Balearics.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, the president of the Parliament and the rest of the Bureau, made up of five people, including the presidency, will be elected. Initially, the PP will have three seats, and the PSIB two. Balearic Parliament has 59 seats. The PP won 25; the PSIB, 18; Vox, 8; Més per Mallorca, 4; Més per Menorca, 2; Podemos, one, and the one elected for Formentera, which will join the Mixed Group, along with Més per Menorca and Podemos.
The PP has stated on several occasions its intention to govern without Vox.
Armengol to step down as president today, Monday
The acting president of the government, Francina Armengol, will resign from her post on Monday. On Tuesday she will be sworn in as a member of Parliament with the intention of responding to her PP counterpart, Marga Prohens, in the investiture debate.
Once Armengol makes her resignation as acting head of the Balearic executive official, Mae de la Concha will take over the post, although it is assumed that she will not have executive functions, and it is even expected that this Monday’s meeting will be the last Consell de Govern.
Once Armengol takes possession of her seat as a member of Congress, she will then have to resign from the autonomous chamber, which is when another of the unknowns will be resolved, namely who will be in charge of leading the parliamentary group.
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