After the success of the 32nd edition, the ‘Setmana del Llibre en Català’ is back this September. This cultural event will take place in the Pati de la Misericòrdia from 14th to 18th September. The organisers of this week of books in Catalan, the Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca, have announced a programme full of activities and events.

On Wednesday 14th September, during the opening day, Eliseu Climent will give the opening speech of the Setmana del Llibre en Català. Climent is a well-known cultural promoter, publishing entrepreneur and activist for the Catalan language. Born in Valencia, he was President of Acció Cultural del País Valencià (2005-2012).  On this first day there will also be a presentation of Flora Medicinal de les Illes Balears, by Carles Amengual.

Programme Setmana del Llibre en Català 2022 (Catalan Book Week 2022)

Mallorca Caprice brings you the programme of this cultural week so that you can be informed of all the activities. The schedule will be from 11:00h to 14:00h and from 17:00h to 21:00h.


17.30 h. CERCAVILA With the aviation team and the Marxing Band de Viatge al Món de n’Aina. Departure from Plaça d’Espanya, arrival at La Misericòrdia.

17.30 h. PRESENTATION AND STORYTELLING. El misteri dels dragons (The mystery of the dragons), by Carles el Saure Antoni Salom.

18.30 h. PREGÓN by Eliseu Climent.

19.30 h. PRESENTATION Medicinal Flora of the Balearic Islands, by Carles Amengual.


17.30 h. PRESENTATION of the collection. Mia Fantasia with Elisenda Roca

19.30 h. Colloquium 2022 ANY FUSTER. Led by Damià Pons

Talk on the book Joan Fuster, figura d’assaig. Antoni Martí Monterde.

Round table discussion Influències a la cultura i el pensament polític a les Balears, with Nanda Ramon, Joan Pau Jordà and Gabriel Mayol Arbona (In collaboration with: Fundació Mallorca Literària).


17.30 h. Baula STORYTELLING, by Rosa Bonnin (In collaboration with: Editorial Baula).

18.15 h. PRESENTATION La musa de la plaça Reial, by Rafael Vallbona.

19.00 h. TRIBUTE Joan Francesc López Casasnovas. Reading of his poems. Coordinated by Pere Gomila.

19.30 h. Colloquium 2022 ANY FERRATER. With Jordi Amat (In collaboration with: Fundació Mallorca Literària)


11.30 h. PRESENTATION Sensibles, with Míriam Tirado.

12.30 h. CASTELLERA PERFORMANCE by the Colla Castellera Al-lots de Llevant.

17.30 h. THEATRICAL PRESENTATION Faules, with Teatrix.

18.30 h. PRESENTATION Sota l’esqueix, la tanyada, Premi Vila de Benissa 2021, by Miquel Àngel Lladó i Ribas. With Miquel Rayó i Ferrer, and Rosa Planas Ferrer.

19.30 h. PRESENTATION OF Òrfiques, by Pere Suau.


11.30 h. PRESENTATION AND STORY TELLING I si se’m menja una balena?, with Rocío Bonilla and Aina Salvà.

12.30 h. PRESENTATION OF THE PRESENTATION OF De tots els verins, el seu secret et donaré, by Toni Arencón Arias, winner of the Premi Ciutat de Palma Llorenç Villalonga de novel-la (City of Palma Llorenç Villalonga Novel Prize).

17.30 h. CONTACUENTOS Amb molt de ritme, with Víctor Uwagba.

18.30 h. PRESENTATION L’obra de palma, with the women’s group of the Parc Natural de Llevant.

19.30 h. CONCERT of cloenda with L’equilibriste.

For more information on these cultural events, visit the website of the Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca (Booksellers’ Guild of Mallorca).