Hombres G, Dorian, Juan Magán, Tomeu Penya and La Guardia will be performing at the Sant Sebastià 2024 festivities to be held next week in Palma, on the 19th and 20th of January. There will also be a ‘tardeo’ concert with a DJ and a verbena on the 20th of January.

The names of the artists who will be performing in the fiestas of Sant Sebastià 2024, patron saint of Palma, are already known. They are Dorian, Tomeu Penya, Juan Magán and La Guardia, who will take to the stages of the Plazas Joan Carles I, Major, Reina and Cort, respectively, on Friday the 19th of January.

In addition, the band led by David Summers, Hombres G, will perform two days later, on Sunday the 21st of January, with a large-format concert at the Trui Son Fusteret venue. Last year this type of event was already underway with the performance of Antònia Font, which was attended by more than 12,000 people.

The new edition of the Sant Sebastià festival starts next Saturday, January 13th, and will last until the 28th.

💡 You can consult the complete programme at this link.


Programme for Sant Sebastià 2024

The chosen locations are Plaça Major, Plaça de Cort, Plaça de l’Olivar, Plaça del Rei Joan Carles I and Plaça de la Reina. In total, five different locations have been selected to host a total of 22 performances.

  • The programme will open with a concert for the whole family by Madò Pereta at 6 pm in Plaça Major, followed by performances by Aires d’Andratx, Ramellets and Tomeu Penya.
  • In Plaça de Cort, the audience can enjoy the music of Bruno Sotos, David Otero, La Guardia and Cabot.
  • In Plaça de l’Olivar, it will be the turn of Guille Wheel & The Waves, winners of second prize in the Concurs Pop Rock 2023; the group Gaizka Baena; Pedro Rosa’s quintet; Meritxell Neddermann, and Miss Loopita.
  • In the Plaça del Rei Joan Carles I, Negre, first prize winner of the Concurs Pop Rock; Jaime Anglada; Anegats; Avalanx, and Dorian will perform.
  • In the Plaça de la Reina, the audience will be able to enjoy the songs of Ultraviolet, third prize in the Pop Rock competition; Carlos Peralías; Juan Magán, and Tapo & Raya.

Most of the concerts will start at approximately 8.30 p.m. until after midnight.

  • On the day of Sant Sebastià, Saturday 20th January, the main novelty is that the Town Hall is launching for the first time the so-called ‘Concerts de Tardeo’; the first, in the Plaça de Cort, at 6 pm, with performances by DJs Tony Bustos, Sideways, Don Flúor and Ángel Oliveros; and the second, at 8 pm, in the Plaça Major, where a verbena format will be offered by Tardes en el Café and Valnou.
  • As for the 21st of January, the event par excellence will be the Hombres G concert in Son Fusteret, starting at 8 pm, with doors opening at 6 pm.The approximate cost of the programme for Sant Sebastià 2024 is 635,000 euros, according to the Town Hall.

sant joan revetla

Foguerons on the occasion of Sant Sebastià 2024 in the neighbourhoods of Palma

The different ‘barriades’ (neighbourhoods) of ‘Ciutat’ organise ‘foguerons’ these days to honour the patron saint of Palma.

  • Es Fortí: 26th January in Plaza Madrid at 7 pm.
  • Son Dameto: 16th January at 7:30 pm.
  • Establiments: 13th January at 19:00 in the Plaça d’Es Iglesia.
  • Son Roca: 27th January at 8:00 pm at the Cap Enderrocat track.
  • Ses Veles: 3rd February.
  • Es Secar de la Real: 13th January at 19:30.
  • Cas Capiscol/Son Busquets: 27th January in Orquídia street.
  • Rafal Nou: 27th January at 19:00 in Rosa Bueno Park.
  • Son Cotoner: 12th January at 19:00 in San Cosme square.
  • Sant Jordi: 13th January at 18:00 hours in Bisbe Planas square and on the 27th at 18:00 hours in Embat street.
  • Rafal-Vivero: 16th January at 19:00 in Plaça de l’Església.
  • Son Rapinya: 13th January at 20:00 in Son Quint square.
  • Ca’n Pastilla: 27th January in Sertori street.
  • Verge de Lluc: 27th January at 18:00 in the car park on Calle Cardenal Cisneros.
  • Son Sardina: 3rd February at 18:00.
  • Nou Llevant: 12th January at 20:30 in the Casal de Barri.

Orgull Llonguet’s ‘Sant Sebastià alternatiu’

Orgull Llonguet is celebrating its 10th anniversary with an alternative programme for Sant Sebastià 2024. To commemorate the date, they have put on sale a commemorative scarf, designed by Jaume Vich, which can be purchased for 3 euros at the Melicotó shop and at the Quart Creixent bookshop. These are the activities planned:

On 18th January the ‘Llonguetades’ will be held. The ‘caparrots’ will make a visit to each ‘llonguetada’ accompanied by the ‘xeremiers’.

The ‘Revolta Llongueta’ is on the 19th of January. The ‘sus’ of the fiesta at 11 pm in front of the Bodega Bellver (Carrer de can Serinyà). Proclamation with Clara Fiol (poet and singer). Departure of the ‘caparrots’ and ‘drac’, and parade with charanga (brass band).

From the Ramblas, the parade will continue with a rolling scaffolding with music by PD Burbaia i Padjesa. The scaffolding will be parked in front of Plaça Weyler and the party will continue. There will be a bar at popular prices.

On 20th January there will be a ‘Vermut ressacós’. In Plaça París from 12 noon there will be music, food and an exhibition stand to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Orgullo Llonguet, as well as many surprises.

belen soto sant sebastià 2024

Belén Soto, portavoz del Ajuntament, durante una comparecencia ante los medios de comunicación. Foto: Cort.












💡 Rain could spoil the Revetla of Sant Sebastià