Pre-agreement between PP and Vox for the investiture of Prohens to the Government

By |2023-06-28T19:48:10+02:0020 June 2023|Politics|

The Popular Party cedes the presidency of the Parliament to Vox and will continue negotiating the investiture of Margalida Prohens, according to the pre-agreement reached by the two parties last night. The Balearic Parliament is constituted today

The Ibizan MP Patricia de las Heras, Gabriel Le Senne and the Menorcan Xisco Cardona are some of the names that are being considered as possible presidents of the Parliament after the pre-agreement reached yesterday between PP and Vox. Meanwhile, they continue to negotiate the abstention that will allow Marga Prohens to be invested as president of the Balearic Government. Following the announcement by the leader of Vox, Jorge Campos, to stand as a candidate for Congress in the general elections on 23 July, negotiations have taken a different direction and have been unblocked in order to reach an agreement.

parlament ib

Image of the Sala de las Cariátides of the Balearic Parliament.

The PP will have the first vice-presidency and the first secretariat, which could be occupied by Mauricio Rovira and Misericòrdia Sugrañes. After the agreement reached last night between the PP and Vox, both parties will continue negotiating in order to convene the plenary session for Prohens’ investiture next week. The PP needs Vox’s abstention in order for the party’s leader in the Balearic Islands to become president of the government and thus be able to govern alone.

The pre-agreement document between the two parties refers to “preserving freedom, economic development, improvements in social services and public health, the protection of women – assistance for victims of domestic violence and the immediate repeal of the ‘Solo sí es sí’ law, among other actions – and the security of Balearic citizens, with special attention to the problem of illegal immigration and the persecution of the mafias that promote and profit from human trafficking”. Also on the table are policies such as tax cuts, aid for families and language policy, an issue on which the PP has finally accepted Vox’s demand for freedom of choice of language in schools, which was one of the main stumbling blocks to progress in the negotiations.

The Balearic Parliament is constituted today

While awaiting the investiture session, which could take place on 27 June, this Tuesday the Balearic Parliament begins its new legislature with the constitution of the old Bureau. The president will be the oldest MP, Antoni Marí, accompanied by the youngest, Patricia de las Heras (Vox) and Ferran Rosa (Més).

The session will begin with the election of the president of the Chamber, who must obtain an absolute majority. Next, the vice-presidents are elected, the two with the most votes. They are followed by the secretaries, who are sworn in, and then the remaining 54 Members. The Speaker of the House declares the Parliament constituted, notifies the King, the President of the Government in office, the Presidents of Congress and the Senate, and the President of the Spanish Government.

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