The city center and the Paseo Marítimo of Palma will suffer this weekend traffic cuts due to the Palma Marathon Mallorca 2023. The race, which will take place on Sunday, October 15, will force to cut the Paseo Marítimo from Costa del Gas to Porto Pi. Also the route of the circuit that affects different points of the Poniente and Centro districts.

The local police have established alternative routes in order to minimize the inconvenience during the celebration of the popular race Palma Marathon Mallorca 2023. The event has gathered more than 10,000 runners in past editions. On the weekend of the feast of the Pilar, Sunday, October 15, the appointment is at 8 am in the Parc de la Mar, opposite the Cathedral, in tests of 42, 21 or 9 km distance.

Agents of the local police, as well as members of the organization of the event will regulate traffic and control the signaling. This will be both in the race area and in the outer areas of the circuit. It is also recommended to make use of the beltway.

Program of the race

The start of the marathon and half marathon will be at 8:00 am, and the 9 km race will begin at 8:45 am. On this occasion, the “Dorsal Oro” will be awarded to Caridad Jerez, an important athlete from Palma who announced her retirement this year. Caridad Jerez has been champion of Spain in several disciplines and has represented Spain at the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016. This recognition is an acknowledgement of her career and contribution to the sport.

As part of the Palma Marathon Mallorca 2023 during the weekend there will be free cultural activities, Ball de Bot exhibitions, concerts at the Expo, Pasta Party, the Breakfast Run on Friday and the final party at the Mega Park Playa de Palma. On Saturday, there will be free cultural tours organized by the Palma 365 Foundation and Ball de Bot performances at the Expo. During the race on Sunday, spectators will be able to enjoy the presence of “caparrots” in Cort, “Dimonis” in the Plaza de las Tortugas and musical performances and DJ’s.

Traffic restrictions during the Palma Marathon Mallorca 2023

A free phone number has been set up to answer any questions related to these traffic cuts. It is 900 710 092.

Main cuts:

– Costa del Gas in the direction of Porto Pi, from 01.00 h.

– Avenida Antoni Maura from the Plaza de la Reina, from 01.00 h.

– Paseo Marítimo from Avenida Argentina and in the direction of the airport, from 06.30 am.

– Porto Pi traffic circle towards the airport, starting at 07.30 h.

From 8:00 am there will be a total closure of the circuit that affects the Poniente and Centro areas.

palma marathon mallorca 2023