In commemoration of World Ocean Day 2024 on June 8, Palma Aquarium has organized a series of special activities from June 6 to 9 to highlight the importance of protecting the oceans. Under the theme “World Ocean Day: Awakening New Depths”, the aquarium will offer workshops, games, and educational talks for all ages, focusing on marine conservation and the impact of climate change.

Palma Aquarium

June 8, World Ocean Day, is a key date to reflect on the need to conserve and protect the oceans, which cover more than 70% of the planet’s surface and are vital for regulating the climate and providing essential resources. However, they face serious threats such as invasive species, rising sea levels, changes in water temperature, and loss of marine biodiversity, according to Palma Aquarium.

World Ocean Day 2024 Activities at Palma Aquarium

Palma Aquarium has organized a special program from June 6 to 9 for World Ocean Day 2024, featuring the “Recycled Toy Workshop”, where visitors can create toys using recycled materials collected from beach cleanups organized by the Palma Aquarium Foundation in collaboration with schools, public and private entities, and other associations.

Additionally, the “Ocean Quiz Roulette” will allow visitors to learn about the oceans through interactive questions on conservation, while the “Experience Labs” offer a sensory and educational experience on the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems.

Visitors can also interact with divers and aquarists, who will answer questions about marine animals while feeding sharks, rays, corals, and octopuses. They can also meet technicians from the Palma Aquarium Foundation, who rescue endangered marine animals, and ask them about their work in the “Ocean Guardians” program.

Programme from 6 to 9 June (all days)

Día Mudial de los Océanos 2014 - cartel

This special programme is part of Palma Aquarium’s commitment to education and conservation of the marine world, which seeks to raise awareness of the challenges facing the oceans and encourage action for their protection.

  • 10:30 – 13:00 h: Experience Lab. At Mediterranean Gardens.
  • 11:00 h: Octopus Feeding. At Mediterranean.
  • 11:00 – 16:00 h: Recycled Toy Workshop. At Nautilus Classroom.
  • 13:00 h: At Big Blue:
    • Shark Feeding.
    • Open Questions to a Diver.
  • 13:30 h: At Tropical Seas:
    • Tropical Reef Feeding.
    • Open Questions to an Aquarist.
  • 14:00 h: Ray Feeding. At Mediterranean Gardens.
  • 14:00 – 15:00 h: Ocean Quiz Roulette. At Mini Theater.
  • 15:30 – 17:00 h: Experience Lab. At Mediterranean Gardens.
  • 15:30 h: Ocean Guardians.