The selective collection in Mallorca “has continued to grow since the service began: it has increased from 33,524 tons in the year 2000 to 156,140 tons in 2023, almost multiplying by five,” reported the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, during the celebration of World Environment Day. Galmés, who participated in the award ceremony of the First School Contest of Circular Economy ‘Transform Your Creativity into a Circular World’, also noted that “this year, selective collection has increased compared to 2023: 24% for organic matter, 15% for pruning, and 7% for packaging, among other fractions.”

Energy recovery plant in Tirme. Photos: Tirme.
Tirme, the company awarded the public service contract for urban waste treatment in Mallorca, organized the contest in which students created toys and other objects using waste materials, thus promoting reuse, according to the island institution. The winners were IES Sineu (3rd year of ESO), Pius XII (3rd year of ESO), Madre Alberta School (4th grade of primary), and CEIP Pedra Viva (5th grade of primary).
During the award ceremony, the president of the Consell expressed that “it is a pride to see the high level of all the creations presented by the students of our island in this first edition of the contest, and to be able to share this day with all of them on World Environment Day. A day to reflect on our relationship with the planet and become more aware of the measures to protect it. Their creativity, ingenuity, enthusiasm, and commitment are key to building a more sustainable society. We must preserve the environment because it is our legacy for future generations.”
Tirme, a world pioneer in waste collection
Over the three decades of existence of Tirme’s waste treatment facilities, which are pioneers on a global level, 14.2 million tons of waste have been prevented from being landfilled, which is equivalent to 205 football stadiums like Son Moix or a line of trucks that would nearly circle the world twice.
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