After the elections of 28th May, today, Saturday 17th June, the different town councils of the islands are constituted, 67 in total, and the new mayors and mayorsesses will be appointed, as well as the rest of the municipal corporations

Constitutive session of the new corporation of the Palma Town Hall will take place from 10 am onwards, which can be followed live on youtube. PP (11) and Vox (6) have 17 councillors in Palma and have achieved the political turnaround in Palma City Council with an absolute majority. In this way, the left was left without the possibility of governing and reissuing the pact of the last two legislatures due to the collapse of Podemos, which has fallen from 3 to 1 councillor. PSOE went from 9 to 8 councillors and Més remains with 3.

Both the Partido Popular and Vox have experienced strong growth in these local elections, in line with what has happened in the Govern and the Consell de Mallorca. In this sense, the likely future mayor, Jaime Martínez (PP), has expressed on numerous occasions his intention to govern Cort in a minority in this legislature with the occasional support of Vox. For its part, Vox announced yesterday that it would not vote in favour of Martínez’s investiture as mayor of Palma. In this way, it will remain in the opposition and has criticised Martínez for preferring to form a “weak” government with only ten councillors plus the mayor.

Agreements in the different municipalities

Fina Linares will be the mayoress after reaching an agreement with Vox and Unió per Alcúdia. The leader of the PP will govern for the next four years. The three parties together have a total of 12 councillors, one more than the absolute majority.

pueblos Mallorca

In Calvià, Partido Popular and Vox will govern according to a distribution of areas that places Juan Antonio Amengual (PP) as mayor of Calvià for the next four years, and Esperanza Català (Vox) as first deputy mayor.

As for Felanitx, Catalina Soler (PP) will be the mayor for the entire legislature after an agreement with the PI. PI candidate Jaume Monserrat will be the first deputy mayor for four years.

PP, Vox and ASI have reached an agreement to govern together for the next four years in Llucmajor. Xisca Lascolas will be the mayor.

The pact between Independents per sa Pobla (IxSP), Més per sa Pobla, PSIB-PSOE and PI is reissued. PP, the most voted list, will remain in the opposition together with Vox. Biel Ferragut (IxSP) will become mayor of sa Pobla for the second time in his political life and will form a majority with the other parties included in the agreement.

Left-wing pact between Més per Mallorca and the PSOE in Sant Joan after ousting the PI as the most voted party on 28th May. The leader of Més, Richard Thompson, will hold the mayor’s office for the first three years. The PSOE candidate, Catalina Perelló, will hold the office for the last year of the legislature.

Jaume Llompart (PP) will become mayor of Marratxí this Saturday following the governability agreement reached with Vox, under which Pedro Bestard will be first deputy mayor.

PSIB and MÉS have reached a governability agreement in Inca for the third consecutive legislature, and Virgilio Moreno will continue as mayor of the capital of Raiguer.