Advice on procedures related to subsidies has been the most requested service at the Oficines de Transició Energètica de les Illes Balears (OTEIB) -Energy Transition Offices-, with a total of 199 enquiries in February. This represents an increase of 352% compared to the same month in 2024, when 44 were recorded.

Another significant increase has been observed in enquiries about electricity and gas bills, which rose from 15 in 2024 to 74 in 2025. This represents a growth of 393%, highlighting a growing public interest in understanding and optimising their energy consumption.

Visits increase by 64%

Overall, demand for OTEIB services continues to rise. The total number of visits has increased by 64% in one year, reaching 697 attendances in February, the month with the highest number of users since the offices opened. In addition to subsidies and energy bills, there were 141 enquiries about energy aid managed by the Direcció General d’Economia Circular, Transició Energètica i Canvi Climàtic, 113 about files, and 88 about the MELIB network for electric mobility.

The itinerant office of Transició Energètica has visited 13 locations in Mallorca, Menorca, and Eivissa. Photo: CAIB.

The OTEIB, promoted by l’Institut Balear de l’Energia (IBE) through the Conselleria d’Empresa, Ocupació i Energia, have strengthened their territorial presence with 20 visits to 13 locations in Mallorca, Menorca, and Eivissa through their itinerant office. They have also developed awareness-raising activities, such as workshops on electricity bills and shared self-consumption, which have been well received by the public. For example, during the Dia de les Illes Balears, 200 people interested in energy transition and climate change were attended to.

Currently, the OTEIB continue to provide advice to citizens, businesses, and local administrations, aiming to facilitate the decarbonisation of the Balearic economy and progress towards a more sustainable energy model. Their offices are located in Palma, Manacor, Inca, Ciutadella, Eivissa, and Formentera.