The Fira d’Algaida arrives, an invitation to explore and enjoy the culture, gastronomy and tradition of the Pla de Mallorca until October 31, both in this town and in the neighboring Pina. One of its main attractions is the Mostra Gastronómica (Gastronomic Fair) that takes place between October 12 and 22

The Fira d’Algaida -which takes place on October 14- is one of the most awaited celebrations in Mallorca and goes beyond the activities organized on this day. Its program includes book presentations, live music concerts, the terrifying ‘Nit de les Ànimes’ and its extensive Mostra Gastronòmica, held from October 12 to 22, a showcase of the gastronomic richness of the municipality.

Fira d’Algaida 2023 Program

Saturday 14th October

The traditional fair is held in the square and adjacent streets with crafts, local produce, culture, gastronomy, antique car shows and activities for the whole family, young people and children.

  • From 10.00 to 13.00 h. Photographic exhibition ‘Un ou de dos vermells’. On the first floor of sa Peixataria Espai d’Art.
  • Espai Solidaritat: Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat i Cooperació. Exhibition 30th anniversary of the Fons.
  • Twinning Algaida with Ciudad Antigua. Scholarship project for children from Nicaragua.
  • Espai Inclusiu of the association MAS que TEA, a non-profit organization for people with cognitive barriers. Mesquida Street.
  • Parade of the project. Inclusive Algaida.
  • Espai sense barreres! It will simulate a space with sensory paths without barriers for people with cognitive impairment.
  • From 09.00 h. Exhibition of vintage cars and vehicles by the Associació Amics dels vehicles clàssics i antics d’Algaida, Pina i Randa. Pare Bartomeu Pou street.
  • From 10.00 to 12.00 h. Great Recycling Fair. Environmental Education Activities for children and adults.
  • From 11.00 to 13.00 h. Special program Fira d’Algaida 2023. Live broadcasting from the Plaça. Beginning of the radio season 2023-2024 of Titoieta Ràdio, Algaida’s municipal radio station. On 107.7 FM and
  • From 11.00 to 13.00 h. Autumn sweets workshop for children. Registration at: 626 348 982. Price: 1,00 €. Limited places. In the Plaça.
  • From 11 am to 1 pm. Workshop on making autumn wreaths with flowers. Registration: 618 216 554. Price: 3,00 €. Limited places. At the Plaça.

Other activities

  • From 12.00 to 13.00 h. Exhibition of native horses and exhibition of the Cavallers de Sant Jordi. In the parking lot of sa Serradora.
  • From 12.00 to 14.00 h. Musical performance Sally and Gus trio, boleros, bossa nova and swing. In the Plaça.
  • 16.00 h. Motorcycle academy and exhibition. Motorcycle circuit for children from 3 to 13 years old and exhibition by Joan Pau Segura. At the top of the soccer field.
  • 17.30 h. Family circus workshop by CIA Des-equilibrats. In the Plaça.
  • 19.00 h. Harp and guitar duo concert by Maria Assumpció Janer and Miguel Checa, a sample of the richness of Latin American and European cultures. Pere Capellà Hall Auditorium.
  • 20.30 h. Traditional dinner on the day of the Fira and celebration of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Delegation of Algaida de l’Obra Cultural Balear. Performance by Arpellots Havaneres Band. In the premises of the carrer del Laberint.

💡 In this link you can consult the complete program 💡 as well as in the web of the Ajuntament d’Algaida.


fira d'algaida 2023 programa