Between February 2020 and May 2020, the painter José Luis Mesas covered the façade of the Hotel Artmadams, owned by Jaime España, with an artistic mural that tourists and passersby photograph
every time they pass by number 34 of Calle Marqués de la Sènia , on the second line of Palma’s Paseo Marítimo.
The work of Mesas is involved in a controversy because the City Council considers, according to two reports from the Historical Center Commission, that the mural should be removed due to the “visual impact on a unique neighborhood”. In addition, they argue that the building built by the architect and urban planner Guillem Forteza (1892-1943) is characterized by austerity.
For its part, España clarifies that “the building is not listed or protected and is not adjacent to singular buildings. The mural causes visual impact because it is an artistic work, otherwise it would go unnoticed. I could paint it. The City Council has not yet resolved the appeal that we have filed against the denial of
the painting and has already notified us of the demolition order. It goes at two speeds: it notifies us in a hurry, but it takes time for the appeals to respond”.
Meanwhile, the façade becomes popular day by day: “It is not a protest mural of political issues. It gives joy. The tourist bus always stops there around a minute and tourists take their photos”. In July 2020, the hotel owner officially announced the modification of the façade. He now announces: “If the appeal
for reconsideration is rejected, we will go to court so that this situation is decided by a judge”.
By: Juan Ignacio Orúe. Palma

The Artmadams hotel mural is highly photographed by tourists and passersby. Photo: Mallorca Global.
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