The traditional Fira del Llibre de Palmaof 2024 will once again fill Passeig del Born with literature, dreams, magic, and hundreds of unique stories. This 42nd edition will be held from May 31st to June 9th and will feature the participation of more than twenty bookstores offering over one hundred new literary proposals for all types of audiences.

Under the motto “Less algorithms, more booksellers”, the Fair seeks to reclaim the bookseller’s profession and offers a 5% discount on all purchases. The twenty fair stands will be open from Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm and from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm.


Image of the Fira del Llibre de Palma in its 2023 edition. Photo: Palma City Council.

The Booksellers Guild has organized a comprehensive program with over 40 activities including book presentations, signings, workshops, round table discussions, and storytelling sessions. Among this year’s novelties are activities aimed at schools and associations of elderly people, the celebration of a closing gala presented by David Ordines, and the inclusion of awards for the best literary novelties of the past year with the reading of the Mallorca Booksellers Awards. These awards will recognize the best literary novelties of the past year in the categories of best book in Catalan, in Spanish, best non-fiction work, best children’s and youth book, and best local book. The event will close with a performance by the Banda Nostra Terra de Son Ferriol.

Activities and Events of the Fira del Llibre de Palma 2024

The Fira del Llibre de Palma kicks off on Friday, May 31st with a parade by The Swingerbrass (from 5 pm to 6:30 pm) followed by the reading of the opening speech by writer and bookseller Lucia Pietrelli. The event will be hosted by Margalida Mateu and will feature live music by Joan Miquel Oliver.

Among the activities offered during the Fair are book presentations including Los escorpiones by Sara Barquinero, León tiene el pelo de fuego by Ricardo Cavolo, Històriques de Mallorca by Verònica Fiol, Historias de un galgo feliz by Fátima Pascual and Rafa Ramos, and Una llum tímida by Àfrica Alonso.

The program of activities also includes round table discussions on the figure of Truman Capote coinciding with the centenary of his birth; the influence on contemporary comics of Francisco Ibáñez, author of Mortadelo y Filemón, Rompetechos, Pepe Gotera y Otilio or 13 Rue del Percebe, among other works; and the relationship between creativity and artificial intelligence, in line with the motto of this edition “Less algorithms, more booksellers”. Additionally, there will be an event commemorating the Estellés year, organized by the Fundació Mallorca Literària, and a meeting titled República, guerra i repressió: feim memòria al segle XXI, organized by Adia Edicions.

For the Kids

The Booksellers Guild has also thought about the little ones with storytelling sessions such as El melic d’en Frederic, El gat sense botes, and El peix Nicolau, as well as shows like Cantant animalades or El retorn del senyor dels contes. This year, visits from different schools in the city have also been organized, which will visit the Fira del Llibre de Palma to enjoy storytelling sessions and workshops. Additionally, literary tours by Tomás Vibot will be carried out, especially aimed at associations of elderly people.

The event is supported by the Ajuntament de Palma and the Consell de Mallorca.