Sóller’s fiestas in 2023 are warming up. The municipality will be celebrating its patron saint’s fiestas of San Bartolomé until 27th August. These are days in which the locals enjoy brotherhood and festivities in equal measure right in the middle of the summer. The first for the new mayor of Sóller, Miquel Nadal, who assures us that “it is an honour to form part of the council and to do my bit to make our municipality a better, friendlier place”. Nadal encourages the locals to ensure that, during the 2023 fiestas in Sóller, the customs “become a flag of our municipality to show to all those who visit us. Only in this way will we sow the seed so that those who come after us can reap the rewards”.

The fiestas department has been working to put together a programme with a variety of fun, festive, cultural and sporting events.

Sóller Festivities Programme 2023

Friday 18th August

From 19:00 to 23:00, in the Plaza, Parroquia San Bartolomé, Avda. Jeroni Estancias, C/ Bauçà and Gran Vía. Nit de l’Art with the event “Emplazamos el Arte”. There will be live music with the following groups. In Plaça de la Constitució: 19:00 – 21:00. Radio Carovan – 21:00 – 23:00. Alma Acústica. In Gran Vía, 19:00 – 21:00. Lied Duo – 21:00 – 23:00. Nuria Vivas. In the Market Square
23:00 – 00:30. Bad Guru – 00:45 – 02:15. Injertados – 02:30 – 04:00. DJ Toni Socias.
From 20:00 to 23:00 h at Can Dulce. Exhibition-auction open on the occasion of the Nit de l’Art.
20:00 at the Casal de Cultura. Inauguration of the exhibition of masks and sculptures by Juan Carlos Tajes “Fugitives of Atlantis”. It will remain on display until 2 September. Visiting hours from 10 am to 1 pm.

Saturday 19th August

From 10:00 to 13:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00 at Can Dulce. Open auction exhibition. Bidding closes for works of art at 20:00.
10:45. “XVII Meeting of schools and bands of xeremiers and flabiolers” .
11:00. Sala Magna of Sóller Town Hall. Presentation of the Valle de Sóller 2023 Literary Awards. Followed by a performance by Glosadors de Mallorca.
11:30. Start of parade from Can Prunera to Plaza Constitución square.
12:00. In front of the Town Hall. Sonada of the participating groups.
17:30. Saint Bartholomew’s Parish Church. Concert by the group Quinteto Urmulli.
20:00. Square. Hot sauce competition.

Sunday 20 August

20:30. Can Dulce. Concert with the Georgian group Urmuli and sopar by Aina Burgos.
Monday 21st August
18:00. Children’s parade with Batu-en el-Mundo from the square to Can Dulce.
18:15. St. Bartholomew’s Day proclamation by Marga Joy.
From 18:30 to 20:00. Games of the world in the courtyard of Can Dulce.

Tuesday 22nd August

18:00. In front of the Town Hall. Popular Caparrots workshop.
19:00. Weavers’ Square. The rides come into operation.
20:00. Church of the SSCC Convent. Concert by Promusica Chorus “Un anochecer cono ABBA”. Free admission with voluntary donation.
21:00. Port de Sóller. Parade of folklore groups. Route from Platja den Repic, Passeig Es Través to the commercial quay.

Wednesday 23rd August

18:00. La Alameda. Storytelling and children’s entertainment with the show SPLASH !
19:30. Can Dulce, from 23rd to 27th August, exhibition of the old Soller folklore group “Dansadors de la Vall d’Or”.
23:00. Plaza Constitución, in front of the Town Hall. Sóller Power Party with the following bands: TOWN FEELING – ISLANDERS – DJ TONI SOCIES.
Thursday 24th August
10:30. Parish church of San Bartolomé. Solemn mass in honour of the patron saint.
18:30. CP Victoria. Storytelling in English The Far West for children aged 3 to 7 and craft workshop.

18:30. Constitution Square. Palo Enjabonado, with fantastic prizes.
19:00. San Bartolomé trophy football match, CF Sóller.
21:30. In front of the Town Hall. Dance show with the groups Rancho Folklorico Os Camponeses de Santana do Mato, from Portugal and Aires Sollerics.

Friday 25th August

17:00. Cetre Street car park. Children’s water party.

20:00. Can Dulce. Recognition of merits and evening with Saladina Acústica.

23:00. In front of the Town Hall. Youth Night with the groups: WHISKY MAMA – IPOP’S – DJ SKALAS .

Saturday 26th August

10:00. Escolapias Courtyard. Chess Tournament.
10:00. School Tournament.
16:30. San Bartolomé Tournament.
11:00. In front of the Town Hall. Ball and parade of the Caparrots.
12:00. Atrium of the Town Hall. Event to celebrate the 50th birthday of the Brotherhood of Blood Donors.
From 12:00 to 16:00. Can Prunera Modernist Museum. Final of the Artists of Mallorca Art Prize. Free admission.
16:00. 1/24 Slot Rally. San Bartolomé Trophy.
18:00. Market Square. Basketball in the street. Aimed at children from 3 to 12 years old.
19:00. Can Generós beach. Paragliding landing by the Adrenaline Show pilots.
20:00. Infante Lois. Conference and presentation of the pilots taking part in the Adrenaline Show.
20:30. Town Hall. Ballada popular by Aires Sollerics and Estol de Tramontana.

21:30. Infante Lois Port de Sóller. Concert with the group: STATE OF MIND -Tributo lo Canto del Loco and then music with dj’s .
23:00. Alameda . Music with groups: Trio Maritime and Motown Band.

Sunday 27th August

9:00. Infante Lois. Popular Petanque Fiesta Fiestas de San Bartolomé.
From 10:00 to 20:00. Se Puig Pavilion. Football-Tennis Tournament for couples.
10:30. Patio de Las Escolapias. Chess Tournament. IV Palma-Part Forana Meeting. 16:30. Masters and promising young players tournament.
19:00. Port de Sóller Bay. ADRENALINE SHOW paragliding exhibition, paramotor acrobatics, paramotor racing, slalom, base jumping with the participation of the best pilots in the world. (The show is subject to change due to weather conditions and drone flights are prohibited during the exhibitions).
20:00. Parish Church. Concert by the Sóller Music Band.
22:30. Square. Great night of fire by the “ESCLATABUZES” with the show “Su Clave de Sati”. End of fiestas.