The Sanctuary of Lluc celebrates one more year the traditional Festes de la Diada 2023 with the emblematic XLII Pujada a Lluc a Peu de la Part Forana. This year it takes place the night of September 9 to 10, organized by the Associació d’Antics Blauets

The Festes de la Diada 2023 will turn the Santuari de Lluc between September 2 and 16 into a vibrant stage for celebrations, music and creative activities for the whole family in a spectacular natural setting, in the heart of the Serra de Tramuntana.

Festes Diada 2023 Santuari de Lluc

These celebrations attract people from all corners of Mallorca who gather at the Sanctuary to study, work, enjoy nature and pray. A coexistence that aims to promote solidarity and humanity, according to the Santuari.

Among the events scheduled during the Festes de la Diada 2023 are the religious celebrations. Such as the masses in the Basilica with the participation of the Escolania de Lluc, as well as the sung salutes that resound in this sacred space. In addition, there are several concerts, creative workshops and other events that enrich the experience of the festival.

Pujada a Lluc a Peu de la Part Forana

The culmination of the Diada 2023 arrives on September 9 and 10 with the XLII Pujada a Lluc a Peu de la Part Forana. This is a tradition that unites pilgrims and locals in a unique sporting and cultural event. And with a solemn ceremony presided over by the Bishop of Mallorca, Mns. Sebastià Taltavull. He is accompanied by the Escolania de Lluc, thus highlighting the deeply religious character of this celebration.

To end the festivities on September 16 Lluc will host the concert “Un cant pel cor de la Serra” by the group Ànima Gospel in the courtyard of the Escolania. This solidarity concert will be held to raise funds for the reforestation of the area after the damage caused by the storm Juliette last February.