Perseverance and hard work are two of the mantras of Chenoa, a Mallorcan by adoption and an all-rounder: judge on Tu cara me suena, contestant on El desafío, and 23 years later, the flamboyant host of Operación Triunfo.

entrevista Chenoa Mallorca Global

– Mallorca has been an important place in your life. How did you come to the island, and how did Mallorca influence your musical career and your development as a person?

I came to the island when I was 8 years old with my parents, who moved for work. They are both musicians, so music was always present in my life from a very young age. I started playing in bands and working in hotels, jazz bars, and choirs from the age of 16, combining it with my studies. Mallorca means everything to me because it gave me the opportunity to evolve and fulfill my dreams.

– Presenting Operación Triunfo 2023 has been a gift for the fans. There seems to have been unanimity: you have excelled in your role. How did you face this project so closely linked to your beginnings? Are you happy with the result?

Presenting OT has been a gift in my life. I approached it with respect and dedication, hours of immersing myself in the project that I had lived 23 years ago from another perspective but that I was going to use to my advantage. What connected me most to the program were the 16 contestants. I knew exactly what they might be feeling because I didn’t forget that. So my biggest goal was and is to care for them because they are fabulous. I am deeply moved and grateful for the audience’s support.

– We could say that this has been the edition with the greatest Mallorcan presence, with Buika on the jury. Has this been a reunion for you?

Seeing Buika was wonderful. We gave each other mutual support and affection, as I have admired her for many years. It was a reunion full of emotions and complicity. I loved living this adventure with her.

– You are part of the OT 2001 generation. What differences do you find between those first OT contestants and those of 2023?

– I think there are many differences or rather evolution between both OT generations. We were more “artisanal”, you could say. We didn’t really know what we were getting into, and that had a lot of appeal. We connected with people in a unique way without really being aware of it. Then, outside, we dealt with a lot of good and less good things, but it is clear that we were all scarred by an unrepeatable experience. This new generation that I’ve seen presenting the show is very musically prepared and has grown up in a more technological age, watching themselves on mobile phones, recording themselves in good quality, which gives them a lot of amazing tools at all levels for continuous and early learning.

Mallorca Global entrevista Chenoa

– In this edition, there has been a lot of talk about the importance of therapy as a support for the participants. Do you go to therapy? Did you need it after leaving OT?

– Mental hygiene is very important, it gives support and tools to manage situations that we never thought we’d go through. I have gone to therapy at different times in my career and it has helped me a lot. When I left OT I didn’t go, but later on, I did, and I go every now and then, to sort everything out a bit in my head.

– A lot has happened since that first edition. As a connoisseur of the sector, could you assess the evolution of the music industry in recent decades?

– Technological evolution is what has marked musical evolution, and we have all adapted little by little. We have to surf the wave! Although vinyl has made a comeback, so we must always be on the lookout.

– You’ve had a career with many successes, not only musically. Is there a moment that stands out as the most memorable? Have you been tempted to throw in the towel at some point?

– Both good and bad moments have brought me to this day, so I embrace every one of them. My favorite moment is this year, my present. I feel fulfilled with all the opportunities I have been given, I am really happy and grateful.

– The media is always watching everything you do. How do you handle the pressure and constant scrutiny? Why do you think you are a media magnet?

– I handle media pressure naturally, recognizing that my life is just mine and that I only have one chance to live it. I don’t really know why so much interest sometimes; I don’t think it’s that interesting, hahaha. I’m human! I have gone through some very hard times, but I have moved on and become stronger, always trying to be polite and well-mannered.

– You are still linked to the island where you grew up as an artist. What do you like most about Mallorca? How do you spend your time when you visit, and what are your favorite places and people?

– Mallorca is home. Whenever I come back, I see my lifelong friends and my family. I walk through the streets and the stress goes away. Mallorca reminds me of all the steps I have taken to get to where I am; I owe a lot to it.

– After the recent release of your single Bailar contigo, will we see a new album soon?

– After Bailar Contigo comes another song of a different style that will have a strong impact. I will go song by song, as it is done nowadays in music. I can’t wait for you to hear the new track.

Léelo en Mallorca Global Mag, primavera - verano 2024