The Consell de Mallorca will promote a load study in order to have a clear and solvent diagnosis and, with all the data, to be able to take measures against the congestion suffered by the roads. The analysis will reveal the number of vehicles circulating on the island and the capacity of Mallorca’s road network. This was announced today by the president of the island’s institution, Llorenç Galmés, during the meeting he held with his government team at La Misericordia to start the new political year.

“We want to respond to a problem of saturation that all Mallorcans suffer at specific times, which has been increasing over time and against which, from the competent administrations, in this case the Consell de Mallorca, we believe that we have to act,” said Galmés. The president explained that the Port Authority and other bodies will be asked to provide the numbers of cars that enter Mallorca every year, especially in the high season, in order to be able to carry out a study of the load. This study, with all the figures compiled, is what “should give us the data and the way to adopt, if necessary, corrective measures to avoid the situation we have been experiencing in recent years and, at the same time, if necessary, to establish regulatory mechanisms”, according to the president of the island’s institution. Along these lines, Llorenç Galmés stressed that any measures adopted by the Consell de Mallorca will always be taken in conjunction with the sectors involved.