Due to the downward trend of the sixth wave of COVID-19, the Spanish Association of Pediatrics considers it “incoherent” for children to use the mask in schoolyards and advises to stop using them outdoors, but to gradually remove it. in interior areas.
“If we want to progress towards an eventual “normalization” of transmission, we must gradually withdraw prevention measures in the school environment, adapting to the epidemiological situation of each community, and as long as close monitoring of the impact of this disease can be guaranteed. de-escalation ”, considers the association in a statement.
And remember that the use of the mask has been eliminated outdoors throughout the country. “In this context, it is incoherent, from every point of view, to continue penalizing children and maintain the obligation to wear a mask in the yard, when they no longer have to wear them when they go out.
Therefore, this measure seems very appropriate to us, and we fully support it”, adds the association. And it proposes a progressive de-escalation:
1-Withdrawal of the mandatory use of masks outdoors for all students
2. Progressive withdrawal of the mandatory use of masks indoors, with a reinforcement of ventilation protocols, following the following chronological order and by age groups:
First and second of primary: from Monday, February 28, 2022.
Third and fourth of primary: from Monday, March 14, 2022.
Fifth and sixth of primary: from Monday, March 28, 2022. Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO): from Monday, April 25, 2022.
Baccalaureate: from Monday, May 9, 2022.
3-Continue promoting vaccination against COVID-19, especially among those under 12 years of age.
4-Restrict the mandatory quarantine to 7 days; only to those children confirmed positive, eliminating all other current recommendations.

La presidenta del Govern, Francina Armengol, visita una escuela en Balears. Foto: GOIB
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