La Casa Azul concert in Palma will begin on Saturday, April 2. A few days before the capital of Mallorca vibrates with its catchy melodies, Guille Milkyway, the man behind La Casa Azul, tells Mallorca Caprice what the public can expect from this free concert.
Saturday, April 2, 2022: La Casa Azul concert in Palma (Plaza España) starting at 11:00 p.m. Public (free entrance).

Photos: Elefant Records.
– What is the formula to reach more than 20 years in such a competitive industry?
– The advice for one does not work for another, but there are two things that have been the key factor. From the beginning I decided that this would be a life project and I would continue with it no matter what. Without giving so much importance to things in the short term. Thinking that I would spend more than thirty years in this gave me the necessary patience. And secondly, I have had no aspirations of anything. I have focused on doing what fulfilled me and made me happy. We have been very sincere with what we do. Being with a 100% independent label allows us to do what we want at all times and I have been lucky that it has gone more or less well.
– In 2008, La Casa Azul closed the presentation tour of La Revolución Sexual with a concert in Palma. It has been said that this is a practically perfect song. How do you manage to write a song that lasts over time almost like a hymn?
– These are very random things. The history of pop music is full of random elements and chance is uncontrollable. Suddenly something has that halo, because no matter how much you follow the written rules, it doesn’t always happen that something impacts in this way. I am proud of the song, every time I play it live I perceive it in the public, I remember when I did it and I realize that it has transcended.
– By the way, what exactly is this sexual revolution?
– It is a journey to liberation, I wanted a very simple moment. Freeing yourself from prejudices, taboos or things that bind makes people happy. There are many people who never find happiness because they are unable to let go of those bonds. The song just wanted to talk about that and how life changes when you get it. So everything flows.
– First a pandemic, now a war… alluding to another of your hits, could it be worse?
– Always, and that’s the sad thing. “It could be worse” –Podría ser peor– is one of the phrases that bring you out, but it seems that we have become accustomed to this advice and it is not worth it, it is a trap with which we do not have to settle. The element of escapism is reiterated throughout the life of La Casa Azul; search and create fictional elements to escape from reality. But it is not so much about that as about taking things as they are and creating our reality on a small scale.
– What are Majorcans going to witness at La Casa Azul concert in Palma this Saturday?
– As it’s been a long time since we’ve given concerts or been able to close the tour of our latest album, La Gran Esfera, we wanted to dedicate this year to closing the cycle and also visiting places we hadn’t been to before. The concert in Palma will have a staging similar to the one we have had in the last two years, with some changes and with a summary repertoire of the group’s current moment. It is the first that we will do with a new formation, due to health problems of our guitarist. So maybe we’ll have a more electronic touch, we’ll throw a lot of light…
– About Mallorca… do you know the island?
– From the ages of 4 to 12, I visited Majorca every summer, going on excursions all over the island. When I’m older I’ve met very good friends there, but I haven’t gone that often. It reminds me a lot of that idea of the California of the 60s that never existed, of which an idyllic image has been projected but behind there is much more. It is a place with a magic much further from that idea.
– Looking forward to the future, which projects is La Casa Azul preparing? When can fans expect a new album?
– We’re really working on the new album. We just finished the cover and in April the second single will be out, since the first one came out before the pandemic, which paralyzed everything. We will release the album in early 2023 and we want the new tour to start by then.
La Casa Azul performs for free on Saturday, April 2, 2022 in a free concert in Palma:
- Place: Plaza de España.
- Starts at 23:00.
- No capacity limit.
- Mandatory mask.
💡 All the information about the postponed concerts of Sant Sebastià, in this link.
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